*Aiden's POV*

"Aiden, get your backside out of bed!" Mum yelled up to me. Today's the day I've been dreading. My eighteenth birthday.

Mum and dad insisted I did something to mark the occasion though I'm not feeling it really.

I got up and had a quick shower. Once I had it and got dressed, I walked downstairs.

"You'll always be my baby, Aiden." Mum said coming up to me and kissing my cheek and hugging me. "Mum, its only my eighteenth birthday, I'm not that old! Do you really think now is the time to be getting emotional?" I pulled away from her to look at her facial expression.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry. It's just I can't believe how far you've become since school. You've grown up so much lately and I just can't get over that! I'll always be here for you Aiden, never forget that will you?" I wiped away the tears that started to roll down her cheeks.

"I love you mum!" I said hugging into her tightly.

"Have you spoken to Leigh today?" She asked.

"No, but she said last night that she'll be round with Sofia and Thomas later on."

"What have you planned then until then?"

"I was thinking about going shopping. I need a haircut too. Everyone's always complaining about my jeans and hair. Will you come with me?" I asked. She nodded at me in responce.


I felt so lost after having my hair cut, though I've only had it trimmed it still feels like I've had it all off. It's going to feel weird as well when I put my new jeans on; they don't have any rips in them and I love my jeans when they've got rips in. But I guess I need some, it'll get everyone off my case!

Me and mum pulled up into the driveway of our house. I sighed as I saw dad has put banners up all other the front of the house. I know now because of this that he's decorated the inside of the house. I should've expected this.

"There's no need to look too disappointed hunny!"

I looked round to her "I didn't wanna do anything though! I'm sorry, it's just I was hoping for a quiet night in that's all. No fuss, no nothing!"

"I just can't believe you didn't expect it!" She chuckled before getting out. I followed her up to the house.

It was silent when we walked in. This is the moment when I walk onto the living area and everyone - in this case, 'everyone' is dad, Leigh, Tasha Sofia and Thomas - will shout 'Surprise' at me before coming over to me, they'll kiss and hug me, tell me 'Happy birthday' and then pass me presents and then we all have party celebrations before the lights get turned off and my parents walk in with a birthday cake - and knowing my parents it will have an embarrassing photo from when I was young - and I will 'never forget it' and for all the wrong reasons.

This is why I hate parties, well secret parties that my parents prepare for me behind my back.

I walked into the living room and there stood the four people I totally expected to. Leigh popped a party popper before helping Tasha pop hers as she was struggling with popping it.

"Did you have a good day out son?" Dad asked coming up to me and hugging into me. "Yeah, a nice girly shopping spree is all I wanted to do on my eighteenth birthday!" I replied sarcastically.

"Well it's just what you needed. Look at that swish haircut!" Dad fluffed with my hair. I quickly made it the way it was before anyone noticed, though I guarantee everyone noticed.

Sofia and Thomas came up to me and wished me happy birthday, I really didn't know how to respond if I'm honest.

"You look so much better with you haircut. At least now we can all see how beautiful you actually are!" Sofia said pinching my cheeks and attempting to shake them side to side.

My cheeks started to heat up a little, I don't like compliments!

Everyone started to sit down so I walked over to Leigh and Tasha. Tasha's smile widened and she started to clap her hand.

She started to say something, I think she was trying to say 'Happy birthday' to me. Both me and Leigh started to laugh at her.

"Happy birthday!" Leigh whispered to me, I smiled at her "You look beautiful today you know?"

Through the whole afternoon, Tasha wanted to play with me and show me one of her toys. She's attached to it a lot by the looks of it.

"Ever since we got her that toy she won't let go of it, she even has to sleep with it!"

Out of all the birthdays I've celebrated, this has defiantly been my favourite. It's been the first birthday in years that I haven't been unhappy. I'm happy as I've ever been.

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