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"Kevin hurry up...you're going to be late!!!"

"You seen my..."

"Everything is right out here boy...Jesus Christ!"

"Aye quit swearing"

"Just come on" I rolled my eyes walking out of our room.

He had gig today before the Miami show tonight and we were behind on schedule because his ass didn't want to wake up.

"Wait my..."

"Nigga let's go" I shoved him to the direction of the door.

Getting to the lobby, our car was waiting for us.

"I don't know why you still went out when we got here"

"Its Miami Keira. Have fun"

"I am but at the same time I have a job to do which happens to be making sure that you reach your gigs on time"

"What fun Kei...them little indoor dates you and Yung be having" he snickered.

"What are you talking about?" I turned and looked at him.

"Yall movie and game dates"

"First off they are not dates, we're just chilling."

"You like him don't you?"

"No I dont"

"Why you lying. I been seeing how you look at him when we in rehearsals and when we are all out, y'all stay keeping together"

"So because we enjoy each other's company it means I got feelings for him."

"With you...yes" he laughed.

"Whatever Kevin"

"You decided on what you wanna study yet?"

"Ummm I decided to put that on hold."


"I don't think I can handle studying and working so I'll just take my time with this"

"You sure? I don't want you holding yourself back you know"

"I know and I'm not...it's all about balance and right now I'm still learning and working on myself"

"Aight...I understand"

We made it to the venue with enough time to spare. I was surprised by the fact that people still did day time weddings. The reception was due to start at eleven when people were expected to begin to arrive. Kevin set up and began to play music as we waited for the guests to arrive.

"You think you wanna get married?" Kevin asked me

"Yea when Damian gets out" I smiled to myself

"Really Kei...c'mon now."

"Kev please don't do this now?" I sighed

"Keira you gotta be real here...You and I kno D ain't getting out anytime soon"

"I know Kev, you don't think I know that...but the least I can do is hope"

"I aint saying you cant have hope Kei but at the same time what you need to do for yourself is let go so you can move on. You don't think I want what's best for you"

"I know you do and don't worry you will get to walk me down the isle one day" I smiled

"Bet your ass I will" he nudged me, same time people began to arrive.

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