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"Babe I'm tired!"

"Ya ass look it too!" I laughed.

"August that's not funny." She shoved me with a smile.

We were out in Dominica Republic for the next couple days. When she found out where we were going, this smile had spread a crossed ha face so big that just made a nigga feel good.

I honestly love making ha feel good after knowing the shit I knew bout ha and ha past. I know I say it a lot and that's because it's tha truth, but Keira deserves all good things.

"Are we going out tonight?" She asked walking back ta our rental.

"Ya wanna go out?"


"I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled lightly.

She looked at me and smiled knowing I was right.

"Ya lah indecisive ass need ta change that shit ya heard me?"

"Yea whatever nigga" I heard ha mumble/

Getting in tha car, our driver took us back ta our villa. Shit was nice and spacious and ta make it better, we had a back gate leading ta tha pool.

"How ya ankle feeling?" I took it across ma lap.

"Better with the new brace and now I can walk without them damn crutches." She rolled ha eyes.

"Ya happier with tha cane?"

"Yes I am" she nodded.

"Aight, once ya comfortable"

"I am and thank you for today" she smiled.

We had went on this lah safari kinda tour of Puerto Plata and shit was nice. Keira had ha camera of course, doing what she loved best. Tha best part was we didn't have much walking ta do so Keira was good.

"Babe! These shots I got look so good!" She showed me.

"You got a natural thing fa that baybeh." I smiled.

"I've never been so close to a crocodile before" she said brightly. "It was so exhilarating"

"Ya really enjoyed it huh" I laughed.

"I did and it was all day so its like our day wasn't wasted. The food we got for lunch was so good too. Ohhh and that beach to end it off was so beautiful."

I couldn't stop smiling by how she was just going on and on bout today. Just how she reacted was what a nigga was hoping for.

"You know what babe?"

"Wassup?" I laughed at how quickly she came down from ha high.

"Let's stay in tonight!"

"See what I mean" I shook ma head. "Indecisive ass" I laughed.

"Bruh just hush please!" She shook ha head.

Reaching back ta tha villa, it was about half past five in tha evening. I had went ta wash up and change as Keira decided ta get dinner started. We had a grill out back so we was gon be making burgers and shit.

Stepping into tha bathroom, ma phone began ta ring. I really didn't want ta answer it, till I saw who it was.

"Aye man wassup?" I answered ma homeboy Jay.

"Aye bruh wazzamin."

"I'm cool, like ya got something fa me?"

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