6 - Darling Parasite Of Mine

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My cheeks flushed a burning red, the air is my lungs ceasing up like a warm wind stiffened by the cold of the arctic. My stomach tightened uncomfortably, twisting and churning with utter disgust. If I could bleach my eye sockets and scrub the image clean, I would with extreme prejudice. My hands balled into dangerous fists, a growl rumbling in the back of my throat like a chainsaw. I kept it back though, not daring to make a sound.

I was simply mortified.

Slinking quickly away from the door way, my back touched the wall of the dark hall and I lifted my hands up to my ears, blocking out all sound. Slowly and quietly, I sunk down until I was sitting, my knees pulled up to my chest. My breathing was uneven and somewhat choppy as the demons screamed at me, angry and needy and as disgusted as I was. I wanted to scream too, but I kept silent as my insides rioted, setting me ablaze.

The stranger's home I currently sat in was quite a walk from my own. It was small, yet quaint, and I dispised it with an unhealthy passion. If it wasn't for the fact Nadia was still in the room with that man, I'd surely burn it to the ground, with him in it.

My mind was racing unsteadily, trying to make sense or perhaps distort the truth in what I had just seen. But there was no excuse or other version of the story, for it was exactly as it looked and I couldn't tear the image from my mind.

I could've stood up and simply walked away - seeing as the hands over my ears were not completely blocking out the disturbing sounds - but I couldn't; I'd wait, instead. I was good at waiting. It was an advantage, in this case. For when they were finished with their sinful acts, I'd be there. Judgment day was in their wake...

And after what felt like ages, the room was relatively quiet. I could still heart their breath as it calmed, slowly but surely. It was labored, fatigued. I quietly stood, steaming with a hot anger.

The bed squeaked, shifting, and as she spoke, her voice was almost unrecognizable, "I'll be right back; Bathroom."

I heard as her bare feet touched the ground, a little shuffling around, and then footsteps approaching. She was completely oblivious to the threat crouching in wait just round the doorframe.

She gasped, but it was quickly silenced by my glove as I grabbed her, one hand around her lips and the other arm wrapped tightly around her neck. I squeezed hard, showing no mercy as I dragged her along the hallway, her struggles no use. She squealed in protest, but by the time sound had actually emitted from her throat, I had already pulled her into the living room. A television was on, and it was quite loud - loud enough to silence her small whimpers of pain and discomfort.

She was thrashing in my arms, and I squeezed the air from her throat until she slowed. I wasn't going to kill her, no, but what was the harm in fantasizing about it?

"Shhh, darling," I cooed with a low growl, emphasizing the sarcasm on that last word, "No need to be dramatic."

I released her, flipping her around as I shoved her back. She hit the couch cushions, gasping for air with wide eyes. She looked afraid, terrified even as though she weren't expecting to see me, or have the life nearly strangled out of her. She was lightly clad in only her under garments, a matching black bra and underwear. If it weren't for how furious I was, I'd surely be blushing.

"Is there nothing you want to say to me?" I asked, my gloves in tight fists as I pushed my mask up.

She was silent though as her eyes shot up to me, a dark brown color. I was a bit surprised to see them slowly morphing into a light red around the irises, like a virus.

"Nothing, hm?" I shook my head, dangerously biting my bottom lip as my rage only heightened, "Wrong answer..."

"What are you doing here?" She whispered harshly, almost like she was trying to keep her voice down and will me to do the same.

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