Chatper One: Seeing the senpai for the firts time

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I liek school th3iz days, I haz amazing friendz andz amiding teashersz, I luve Sakura high! It was the firs day of ninith grade and i waz walcking to clazs. Everyone waz taking about stuff i dunt cair abowt. I git to my firs class wich is math. The teacher waz kalling roll call, andz i ternd to the lefd and saw somone hand some. I bluched. The teaker called owt,"Yuki-Chan." I dint heer her and i stard at the perzun. "YUKI-CHAAAAAN", che goku scremed. "Gomen, im here.," i saidz stil bluching. She called the boiz name. Hiz name waz Kiro. He saidz he waz hearz. Butt i waznt there i waz in my own senpae theamd wurld. My teacher kald on me again and asked wie i waz soning owt. I snapd owt uv it. I mets my sampei. "Opioiiioi yuki chan!!!!!1!" My bfff kagura sharted shoving a bento box in2 my fase. It waz lunch tiem now. "Ichidachimasuuuuuuuu," i explamed while shoving the box and the food and the cohpstix in my moufh. I wached as mur senpai misterwpisly exited the room hmmmmmm i wonderedd were his beutiful bod was going. I got up and followed him 2 te sakura trees pit frpnt.  I staked mai senpoo to the teez. He entered teh abondoned skool building and i sawz another girl enper on the oter sied of the building. She waz the student boody president. Her name wax Mako. He entered the building and his eyes gload perple. Than Kagura ran ups to meh and yeled "YUKI-CHAN DESU!!!!!!1!!1!1!!!!!!!!!""WHAT RE YU DOIN HEAR CLAZS IZ ABOWT TOO SDART!!!!"   
"WHAAAAAAAAAA",i excmlamed!!! (The camera spun oround like when something crazy happins)

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