Chatper Two: Atper School

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Atper school i warched senpau go home and i notised we dont take the sam school buss. I was sad. I followed him anywayz but he got on his bus and i got on my bus. I sat by my bffffff Kagura Chan and we talksed. She saidz,"why were you stalking a randum perzin in scohol, YUKI CHANN TAN KUN SAN SAMA MAN." I sadi nothing. She asked again. "YKUI TAN SAMA SAN CHAN KUN SAN MAN SAMA SENSEI KUN!!!!!!!!" We gotz to my bus stop and Kaguar went home and she lives right next to me we are nayburz. I went inside and my purents said konishiua i saidz konichiwaz bakc. I went to my room and thought about senpai all nite.

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