The mythical vanguard beast has appeared. It will destroy Cray then Earth.
The world's strongest fighters have failed and have been in hospital.Failed fighter:
Aichi Sendou ,Ren Suzugamori, Kai Toshiki and Leon Souryuu.
As Ezra was tuning his deck to perfection, his eyes lids suddenly started to grow heavier and heavier.Until he fell a sleep. His mum moved houses because of a new job. That meant : New town. New School. New teachers. New Friend. What joy. He would of ran away but he had Vanguard.New card shop. New players. New rivals and a new team. He couldn't wait. The Vanguard shop tournament will begin in an hour.
56 minutes later
Ezra was awoken by a bright light circling his deck, he blink to check if he was still dreaming, it vanished.Then I stared at the time(12:56).
"12:56," he muttered, "12:56, s*** I'm late!"
He grabbed his deck and leap out of the window( shoes on). The card tournament began in 4 mins. The wind blew hard but my will wasn't giving up.
[Note: Ezra is wearing a leather jacket with a blue Nike T-shirt. Black jeans and full black huaraches.]
Ezra used great skill to get to the card shop. He heard a sound coming for the card shop,
Ezra kicked open the door, shouting,
"I'm registering!"
"Lady and gentleman the final participator."
I fill in the card gave to my the manger, Kamui. Then walked to my table, on the other side was a by who had blue wavy hair, and red eyes; his pale skin resembled a vampire. Ezra didn't say a single word because of the first impression. He know that look,it was the look someone saying This-is going-to-be quick. This engulfed him with anger.
"Stand Up, Vanguard!" bellowed the entire shop.
"Resurgent Knight, Stius!" said Ezra
"Promising Knight, David!" said the Eren Jaegar.
Just before the match they completed a round of rock-paper-scissor, and Ezra caught this name.
"Lunar Knight, Felix, ride. Using Stius Forerrunner skill I move him directly behind the Vanguard and end my turn."
" Draw, ride Dark Quartz Dragon and using David skill I move him to the back row."
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Locating of the battle.
On the magical planet Cray, two force were barbarically attacking each other.
"With a boost form David my Vanguard attacks!"
Promising Knight, David>>(5k)>>Dark Quartz Dragon>>(7k)>>=12k vs 7k
"No guard!"
"Drive Trigger Check." said Eren, flipping the top card of his deck.
Trigger Check:
Fair Knight, Gwawl
No trigger.
"Damage Check." said Ezra.
Trigger Check:
Twin Sword
No trigger.
"I'm done."
Turn 2
"Draw, ride Knight of Twin Swords," told Ezra, "now with a boost form Stius my Vanguard attacks.
Resurgent Knight, Stius<<5k>>Knight of Twin Swords<<9>>=14k vs 7k.
"I'm not going to guard."
Trigger Check:
Dream Bringer, Belenus.
Critical Trigger.
"All to my Vanguard."
"Uh...Damage Chec..." Eren was interrupted by the overwhelmed Kamui.