a gift for a clown

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Merry Christmas everyone, and happy holidays. Enjoy

L.j's p.o.v

"Dashing through the snow, between my Jeffys legs, hearing him moan, sent me over the edge, hahaha" it was close to Christmas and I was very excited, not because of the holiday but also the day of my creation. I was up stairs making the bed when suddenly I hear what sounded like someone singing so I walked out of the room and went downstairs to see who it was, I peeked behind the corner and saw that it was Jeff he was decorating the tree while singing "deck the hall with bells of holly fa la la la la la la la la, tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la" I was just watching him decorate the tree while singing calmly "dashing throught the snow in a one horse open sley over the fields we go laughing all the way, bells on bell top ring making spirits bright what fun is it to ride and sing a slaying song tonight" I then sneaked up behind him and put my hands on his waist hugging him in a gentle way "you sound beautifully" he slightly gasped then turnd around to look at me "didn't know that you could hear me" I gave him a kiss then went to wispers in his ear "would you like to unwrap a present"? I knew that that caused him to blush a bit "but Christmas is only a few days away an-" I silenced him with a kiss "come on Jeffy you know I can't wait that long" "yes I do know, and you know that I know what your hiding in your closet, so basically you can wait its just you just can't wait for me" I let out a sight and held Jeff closer to me "fine I'll wait till Christmas, but only for you" "alright then" "Jeff look up" "look up at wha-, really"? "Yup" I held a mistletoe above us and kissed him "I love you, and also the day of my creation is on Christmas too" "yes I know, now go play with your toys" "don't make me horny Jeff" I kissed his head then slapped his ass and walked off.

Jeff's p.o.v

After Jack left I decorated the rest tree then went to go think about what to get Jack for Christmas along with his so called birthday "Christmas is only two days away and I need to think about what to get Jack, well besides candy and a sex toy what can I get him"? I thought long and hard about this. About maybe thirty minutes later I finally thought of somthing and quickly got up from the seat I was in, I walked up to the room and was gonna knock on it but before I could do anything I heard Jack moaning and light vibration I knock on the door and felt that it was loose "l.j"? "J-jeff"! I opend the door and saw that Jack had his pants on but his shirt was missing "I don't mean to bother but am I interrupting somthing"? "Kinda" "do you want help"? "No I got it" I rold my eye's and walked over to the closet and got out my sweater along with one of l.j's whips "ok babe I'm gonna go out for while, so while I'm gone" I slapped his ass with the whip "don't destroy my room" "alright I won't, but if I do then your a gonna half to punish me" he took the whip out of my hands then pulled me closer to him and set his hands on my ass and gripped it slightly "god your a tease" he licked my neck and grazed his teeth across it. "Ok come on I half to go" he let out a sigh "alright but make sure to come back before sundown" "I promise" I gave him a kiss and he let go of me. I left the house and went to the store where I found the jewelry section, I found a little tower of the big ben (thats the name of the tallest building in London) that was connected to a chain realizing that it was a necklace "this will be perfect for l.j" I picked it up and saw the price, $50 "for a killer I can buy almost anything" I picked it up and searched for somthing else.
I saw a small bracelet that had jack in a box on it put into words, I saw the price $70. I took out my wallet and I saw that had atlest two hundred dollars, I lifted an eyebrow and took bolth to the register "um hi" "good evening sir how can I help you" "yes is it possible that I can have the word laughing on the bracelet"? "Yes sir you can, but it would be kind of a long wait" "gow long will the wait be"? "About twenty minutes" "then I can wait" I gave him the bracelet and began my wait. Growing border within the minute I decided to walk around but found nothing really interesting
Finally the wait is over "there you are sir, your bracelet is how you expected it, and that will be $70" "oh and I'd like to buy this as well" I gave him the tower and finally payd for my item's then left. Once I got home I hid the gifts for l.j under the tree then went to go find him. "Jackie, where are you"? I opened the door and saw that Jack wasn't in there "you called Jeff" I felt his hands rap around my waist "I was wondering where you were" "well I'm hear now and your home safe" I looked into jacks beautiful eyes and gave him a kiss "I love you" "I love too".

*Christmas morning*

L.j's p.o.v

"Jeffy wake up" I gently whispered in Jeff's ear causing him to move around a bit "mph? Morning Jackie" "morning love, do you know what today is"? "Yes I do" I gave Jeff a kiss then pulled him up to me "can you take a quick shower with me"? He let out a tired yawn "sure" I smiled and gave him a kiss then picked him up bridel style and carried him to the bathroom. Jeff started the water and undressed himself then stepped in as did I, the warm water fell on us causing passion the start building up, I kissed Jeff moving from his lips to his neck "Jack" "yes love"? I said between kisses on his neck "come on you said a quick shower" I licked up Jeff's neck and kissed his neck "alright fine" we got out and got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom. "Jeff love I'm gonna get some fire wood, would you like to come along"? "Sure" we went outside and began to gather some wood "think that this will be enough"? "Yeah I think so" we went back inside and saw the wood down by the fire place but when I turnd around Jeff was gone I couldn't find him till I heard his voice calling me from outside "Jeff where ar-" I had a snowball thrown at me and instently I pick up some snow and threw it at Jeff or at least the direction that I thought he was in. Before I knew it we were playfully having a snowball fight "Jeff love my fingers are cold lets go inside" "alright" we went inside and I started a fire and got myself warm, Jeff came by and leand into me I kissed his head "so jack ready to open tour present"? "Of course I am" we got up and went to the tree and grabbed a present "I got this for you, sorry that it's small" I opened it and saw that it was a necklace of the clock tower from London "Jeffy I love it" I gave him a kiss and handed him a present "I hope that you like it, it took me a long time to get you somthing like that" I gave him a knife sharpener that was a pure silver color "I love it" we went back and fourth with the presents till we gor to the last one "this one is for you l.j, it may have took an me a while to get the letters together but it came out pretty good" I open the small box and saw the words on it "laughing jack in a box" "yeah I hope that you like it" "Jeff this is beautiful" I tackled him down and kissed him passionately my kissed went down to his neck "l.j" I sat up and pulled Jeff up to me then took off his shirt I did the same to mine. I pulled Jeff to a safe distance to the fire so that way I can see his face, I started to kiss down his body till I got to his pants line I bit my lip and took his pants off I crawld back up to him and kissed his soft lips once again I trails my lips lower past his chin down his chest and on his stomach "I love you Jeff" I began to take off my pants "ready Jeffy"? "Yes Jack I am" I slowly inserted myself and moved at a steady pace slowly picking up speed. I kissed Jeff as I moved and I could feel him move with me, "Jack I'm getting close"! "Hang on Jeffy" "ahhhhh"! "Ahhhhh"! We bolth hit our climax, I pulled out of Jeff and late down beside him, I reached for a blanket on the couch and put that on us and pulled Jeff close to me. "I love you Jack" "I love you too Jeff" I kissed his head and felt him cuddeld into my chest. We fell asleep that night in each other's arm's, the fire slowly died out but the starts and moon shined bright through a window, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me "merry Christmas my killer" I whispered then felt asleep.

Hi everyone one this was actually supposed to be published on Christmas sorry for the late updates. Please comment, vote, like, share, read, ask, and enjoy. Until next time bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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