I loved you. (part 2) END

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When Dan realized what had just happened, he started crying. "I love you so much, Phil." He said while he was still holding Phil's hand. Dan looked at Phil's face, and saw a smile. "I love you." Dan whispered, while thinking of all the things they'd done together. He wished Phil had told him sooner, but he probably didn't want to worry him, Phil had always been so kind. Dan was still holding the hand of Phil's body. He didn't know what to do, he had always felt so worthless without Phil, and now he would never be with him again. That thought was killing him. Not wanting to let go of Phil's hand, he reached out to the phone. He called Phil's mother. "Hello? It's Dan. I have to tell you something..."

The End

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

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Twitter: @rowannay

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