Chapter Two (Twisted )

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Sophie and Banu gazed out of the window as they discussed the news and latest justin beiber drama. Finally they reached the school, the bus stopped and everyone rushed out .
Sophie and Banu walked towards the school door.

"Sophie you dropped your keys" A deep voice came from behind them. Sophie mumbled to Banu "ugh! I recognise that voice" rolling her eyes she turned around and saw it was one of the  boys from the bus, she grabbed the keys and walked off leaving the boy behind still staring at her. Sophie always reacted unkindly to boys seeing as they would go crazy when near her, she was very beautiful for her age and kind which draw almost everyone to her.

Upon Entering the school, The busy corridors slowly scattered to only a hand full of students still lingering around as most were settled into there classrooms. Dispite the wishful thinking of both Sophie and Banu being put into the same classes they were in fact separated into completly different classes meaning they would never have classes together. Which all together made their first day of  the whole high school experience automatically look alot dull and gloomy.

  " I guess I'll see you at lunch then." Sophie said with a frown that mirrored Banus' perfectly. Having entered the class, Sophie looked around and saw that it was filled with new students.
She took a seat next to two girls, one which she noticed was dressed in all pink from top to toe, was a bit short and had curly blonde shoulder length hair. The other girl she had noticed was wearing a blue floral printed short dress, she was quite tall and had brown short Curley hair.

The girl dressed in the pink introduced herself with confidence saying  "Hello my name is Rosie and this is Aiish " Rosie held her hand out for a handshake.
Sophie handshaked her and said "Hey nice to met you and the names Sophie. "

Luckily at the moment they were having art lesson and the teacher left the class for a while , the three of them , they started to talk amongst themselves. Sophie and Aiish's realised they had quite a few things in common . After a while the teacher came back who they learnt by was called Miss Thompson.
She said "today,  I would like you all to be very creative and imaginative , with some passion draw anything that comes to your mind".

"Hey,  how about you both join me and my friend Banu for lunch today " Sophie whispered  to Aiish and Rosie.
"Sound good to me " Aiish and Rosie replied happily and smiled back at Sophie with great warmth marking the true begining of a life long friendship.

Meanwhile, across the building Banu was having an English lesson , she was also surrounded by random people although  that wasn't a problem for much longer as she also managed to get along with two of her classmates.
One of them was  known as Miss Perfect, being tall, skinny and a defornet know it all with dark brown eyes and wavy long hair that reached till her elbows, this was Sally.  The other girl she was mixed race had brown curley hair and dark brown eyes she had an obsession of having jelly beans sweets, she used to eat jelly beans all the time, so everyone started to call her Beenz.

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