Cyberbully Chapter: 5

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 Hello ppl. Thought I'd be nice and upload EARLY! all about being nice. Lol, and I was so sad, when I logged on, I got to my profile, and niticed, I went from Teen Fiction- 700 to like Teen Fiction- 850

But It's kind of back up on the charts, so please keep commenting and stuff. It makes me so happy, even if the phone does end up going crazy :p

I wasted a little more than a lot of time with this not type thing, so here you go....

What you all been waiting for.... *DRUM ROLE PLEASE* ...........

Chapter 5                             WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW




                                                 The sky was dark, and the lights in the airport only lightened up the place a little. Not well, but there was still light. Light that I enjoyed.

"Hey, Adrian, I was thinking. Who is going to be sleeping with a stranger?" I stopped right in my tracks. I was really scared now. What if my dad was the stranger who will be sharing the room with me?

Odd how they make some people share rooms with strangers. I mean, what if some of the people were creepy killers or something?!

"I will sleep alone. No big deal." I said, giving them a hard look, as they searched my face for what I really wanted. What I really wanted, was for me to  be secure with  my friends.

"We can all sleep in the same room. You can sleep on the bed, and David can sleep on the other, I will just sleep on the couch." Andrew said, making me grin. He was so nice to me, and that was a tempting offer, but I couldn't do that to my friend. I mean, I'm 17 now. I have to act my age. I'm not 3 years old.

"Guys, I will be fine. It might be some hot girl without a boyfriend, who knows." I said, trying to get the fear out of my voice. They didn't buy it, so I gave them my best smile I could plaster across my face.

Hope they don't see through my fake smile.

They didn't.

"Alright. But, your going to stay with us Until you want to go to bed, okay?!" David asked, making me a little scared under his gaze. His eyes went from playful green, to hard as stone green. He was dead serious. Until I was almost passing out is when they would take me to my room.

I nodded at them, and we continued to walk some more down the creepy hallway that leaded us to our Baggage claim.

'That sounds like I have to claim my flaws'. I thought to myself, smiling at my thoughts, I didn't realize my friends were far ahead of me.

What the crap? How did they go so far ahead of me, and I not even notice?


"Okay, so, I am in room J. 250, and your in J 252, Adrian" Andrew said, looking down at his feet. I was sad, we couldn't share a wall? I mean, how sad? I just wanted to be close to my friends, so they could hear my screams if my dad was my room mate.

"No problem, let me just drop off my things." I said, before walking to my room, that was literally infront of my friends, and I scanned my key pass, before entering the room, no one was in here. Heck, no one might even be sharing a room with me, I have nothing to worry about, right?

I put my bags on the bed, closest to the door, just in case, and I Just love how it was a cool looking bed.


I walked back to my friends room, after taking my computer out of my book bag, and putting all of the things under my bed, just in case the person that come in the share the room wants to snoop in my stuff. I also wrote a not on the bed, declaring it MINE!

                   Hello. You have reached the owner of this bed. Please don't sleep here. Thank ya! :p


"Hey, David... Someone commented on our photo of all of us." I said, looking down my page, 51 comments have been logged, in just a minutes, I was freaking out, none of them are nice.

'Oh wow. Look, It's pug face(Adrian).

'How can he dress like that?'

'He looks like a hobo'

'He is sooo ugly!'

'I heard his dad pays him so he doesn't get kicked out'

'I think he's gay.'

'I think your right, He hasn't dated in like 50 YEARS! !?'

"WHAT THE HELL! I don't care what you have to say! Jenna, your just a BITCH!" I typed, before closing the lap top, and turning it off. I took it under my arm, and left the room, ignoring the boys complaints all together.

I hurriedly opened my door, to see a back facing me, and this girl looking out the large window.

"Hey! I was so anxious to see who would room with me. Hope this isn't awkward when we want to take a shower." She yelped, making me give out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


Did you think it would be his dad? I am not that mean, and this is a cyber-bully story, not an abuse story! Which, now that I think of it, that would be a good story for me!!!!!

I love pizza






I LOVE YOU  ALLL<3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)     (:         



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