Chapter 13: Bitter Cold

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Bitter Cold:

                                                            The Days flew by in a blur, my mind flying by every little image or thought that managed to pass into my brain. Everything my grandmother said, went in one ear, and out the other.

The thing is, my life was flashing before my eyes. Lizzy also gave me a new phone, she begged me to take it, for a full two hours, as we were at the Verizon. I hate the feeling of having no soul, no heart.

The pain of what these people are saying about me, is killing me. I mean, I was Mr. Popular, and now I'm the newest West Coast target.

My mother died, so I don't have the comfort of her, my father probably wants to slit my throat, and my friends are like everyone else.

My friends, they felt like strangers, I feel like I don't even know them! I feel like I don't even know who they are. They threw me away as I was just a used up wash rag.

I felt abandoned, even though I was surrounded by my grandmothers love.

Lizzy, was an awesome gram. She would treat me like her own, and love me like here own. I think she rather have me as her son than him, my father.

I hate to say it, but I felt so alone, so lonely without my friends, I mean, I had my grammy, but she got boring after a while, with her old-fashioned ways.

I'm a teen, I need to get out of the house, but I don't really want to do that when my existence isn't only on the Internet, NO. It's gone public the past week.

I can't go anywhee without people pulling out there phones, and trying to take a video of me. It's like I'm the newest entertainment.

I hate my life, and I just wish it would end.

I hadn't been on my Jent account, worried that I would break down with all the comments. I logged on anyways, scrolling through my messages, and my notifications, and my part invites.

Party Invite: Dance on Adrian Blanferds' grave                    [5,000,000 attending]

Friend requests: Andrew M. & David C.                                   I hit the Ignore button.

Notifications:                 5,000 posts on My wall...  2,351 mentions in a comment.

I wasn't afraid anymore. They made me weak, and they made me cry, but one thing they didn't have that I did, was a heart.

Even if my heart ached every second I was alive and breathing, at least I had one. Unlike theunwanted souls that call themselves cool.

I walked up the stairs, ignoring my grandmothers soft voice, calling me down to eat. My grandfather giving me a dirty look as I walked up, almost as he resented being apart of the family, just because I was born.

"Dinners ready, Adrian. You haven't ate in three days." Lizzy said, burning a hole into my back.

"Sorry, I'm not hungry." I said, lying through my teeth. I was starving, but I wasn't going to let anyone know. I just wanted to die of starvation, I mean, It's a slow and painful way to die, what a great way to die, eh? 

And, I already lost six pounds, so that's a plus.

"Please," Lizzy pressed harder, making me turn around to her, only to see her face full of sadness.

"I will at least sit there, but not eat. I'm just really not hungry." I said, walking back down the stairs, to where the small kitchen table stood in the corner.

I turned to my Grandfather before saying, "Oh and by the way, I may be blond, but I'm not dumb. I can feel your glare on the back of my neck. If you have something nasty to say, say it now, right now." I said, making my grandmother gape at me with awe, while my grandfather just stared at me with glaring wide eyes.

"Adrian, Don't you dare talk to me in that tone, nor shall you talk to me when you are under my roof. I am so tempted to kick you out!" My grandfather yelled, making me smirk. I loved pissing him off, and I knew the perfect way too.

"Already ahead of you, old man." I sneered, closing the gap between me and Lizzy, before giving her a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

"What do you mean, dear?" Lizzy asked, her eyes cautious as she looked over my body.

"Oh, I'm leaving. Since I am not allowed here, I mean, I thought it would be a nice thing to do by not eating there food, it saves food, but I guess I was wrong." I said, walked to the stairs, taking the suitcase from the hall, my grandmother bought me, while I bought all the clothes and accessories.

"You can't leave, dear.  It's late." Lizzy said, looking at me with glazed eyes.

"Sorry, but your old grump of a husband wants me gone, what else should I do?" I said, grabbing the suitcase, before walking out of the house.


This is short, yes. It is a little boring, so sorry. This was just a small filler, in my eyes. It was a filler with something happening I guess you can say that.....







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