Seaweed.Brain: well come to the Demy geodes of the month Dean age DARN AUTO CORRECT!
So, let's start:
Hazel.Levesque: I'm scared. Is this thing going to put my face in a book?
DONT_TOUCH_MY_CHAINSAW: NO!! Facebook is a very good resource-HAHAHA!! U need a better username.
Hazel.Levesque has changed their name to UndeadHazelnut101
UndeadHazelnut101: better?
DeathBreath: Don't. Give. My. Sister. SUGGESTIONS!!
DONT_TOUCH_MY_CHAINSAW: What should I give her then? ;)
DeathBreath: You will log off right now if you value your life and sanity.
DeathBreath and DONT_TOUCH_MY_CHAINSAW have logged of due to unknown circumstances
UndeadHazelnut101: Uh oh.
UndeadHazelnut101 has logged of
Facebook: demigods of the modern age
ФанфикA FANFICTION were the Percy Jackson cast is introduced to Facebook.