Chapter 2

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A week later...

The sun rises. Sakura hadn't eaten a full week.. Yet, she had tried waking up her mother, but no avail. The only thing she could do is wait. Wait for her mother to wake up on her own.

> > > >

In the middle of the night. When she was abruptly awoken by a painful feeling in her stomach. Nothing could've kept her mind occupied from the tingling pain.

The moon's light, as well as the shinning stars. Were her only source of light, in her dark room. Which she shared with both her parents.

Stretching out her arm, Sakura was about to pluck the stars that surrounded the half, shinning moon.

When suddenly, a pain in her stomach erupted inside her.. Becoming unbearable by each passing second.

The pain was too much for her to handle. Sakura couldn't make a single sound as her body was paralyzed by the pain. Her arm was still stretched out for the stars, but Sakura couldn't hold up any longer.

Closing her eyes. She instantly falls to the floor. Letting her pink hair, follow behind her.

The pain was unbearable for the four year old. Tears were at war against Sakura's will to not cry. But to her dismay; the erupting pain in her stomach exploded. Adding more of the unbearable pain into her.

Sakura's lip quivered, and her tears charged down her face.

> > > >

Mebuki's bedroom door opened.

Kazashi had heard a faint cry coming from the inside of his house, after coming back from his mission. As an instinct, he hurried his way to where the faint small cries were heard.

Never before had he seen his daughter in this state before.

Unattended, and boney to the core.

Flickering his eyes to his wife. His blood, slowly started to boil as he saw Mebuki sleeping. Not making a single sound.

Marching towards his wife, Sakura cracked open her eye. "Otou-san. Kaa-san hasn't woken up since she had... Fallen asleep." Sakura whispered.

'???' Kazashi thought for a moment.. His eyes never left Mebuki's body.

There's no way Mebuki would leave her only child unattended like this! As a matter of fact, she loved her child more than anything. Possibly even more than her own husband.

He knew she would die a thousand times just for her. The only child she could ever have.


'Hey, wake up.' Kazashi gently shook Mebuki.

Kazashi then noticed that Mebuki's chakara, couldn't be sensed anymore. Nor had he seen her chest raised and fall, when she breathed. Immediately after noticing this, Kazashi checked her pulse.


Tears started to slowly crawl out of Kazashi's eyes.

There's no denying it. Mebuki had already passed away.

He had just to accept it.

"Otou..san, don't cry."

With that sentence Sakura had spoken. It was as if it were on cue, his tears had already began to fall.

It was too late for him to stop now. Once he starts crying, he can never stop.

Falling onto his knees, Kazashi took hold of his wife's hand. And held it against his cheek. This would be the last time he would feel her flesh, instead of her presence.

Now that Mebuki was gone, he had to take full responsibility to take care of a Jubbi's offspring. His offspring.

"Otou-san." A faint whisper called out to him.


How much he desired to call out to his daughter. But he knew that will never happen again. Not even in a million years.

'I'm here Sakura.'

Leaving his wife's side, he picked up his daughter. And hurried his way to the nearest hospital.

Now it's up to him to protect the flower of his life.

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