Ron Pov

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I can't believe my mom would say that about Hermione. Harry and Hermione no why Harry dateing Ginny her own daughter. Ron text Hermione," Hey hermione what's up (ʘ‿ʘ)" Hermione text back," Nothing much just waiting for fred to show up were going to go see a movie what are you going to do today." Ron thought I can't believe that Fred is going on another date with my girl!!!! Ron text back,"Oh I'm going to ask lavender out finally like I always wanred to." Hermione text back,"ok see u tomarrow." Ron quickly text back," Ok see u then." He said to him self,"Well i guess i have to go talk to lavender but I'll call Harry first." Ron picks up his wizard phone and sials Harry's number. I said,"Hey Harry I kina told Hermione a little fib." Harry replied,"Well what us it by the sound of it can't be good." Ron said,"Hermione said she was going on another date with Fred and I got jealous so I said i was going to ask out Lavender Brown." Harry said,"Why would you do that I heard on this movie date by Ginny she was going to break up with Fred your brother so you should ask out Lavender Brown so you don't seem like a lyer but a week later you can break up with her." Ron replyed,"Thanks Harry you always give the best advice." Harry said,"Ya no problem but I have to go see Dumbldor now so good bye." Ron said,"Bye Harry see you later." They hung up, Ron got out if bed and went ti lavender's house. He knocked on the door and said,"Hey lav-lav do you want to go out some time." Lavender said,"Ya that sounds really fun just text me when and where." Ron said,"Ok but I need your number." Lavender said,"Hand me your phone and here's my phone." Rin put in his number and said,"Here you Go." Lavender gave back Ron's phone and saw ahe named herself Lav-Lav. He went home and went back tobhis room just to think about what he git himself into.

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