Writer's Block

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Why do the spaces in between the blue lines, stay white
Why can't I demand my pen "take flight"
Even when I try with all my might

Just like wingless birds trapped in a cage
My feelings of joy and rage
Stay put where they're safe
They stay quiet, against my will

If it was up to me they'd break free
force themselves out
Like water triumphing a damn or,
Gently and soothingly spilling
themselves out,
like oil

For I want them to scream,
I want them to sing
As loud as they can
Until the cage breaks...
And they're free

Finally free, for all to see
For all to admire and understand
The beauty in their rage
And the beauty in their joy

But that's what would happen
If it were up to me
And until then
I'll just keep questioning:

"Why do the spaces in between the blue lines
stay white ?
Why can't I demand my pen "take flight"?"

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