Chapter one:

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  My mom always said that life doesn't always work the way you want, and now I know what she means.

I grab my bag from off my desk chair and sling it over my shoulder. "Are you going to act all sad all day?" My older brother asks. I just push past him and out the door to my car. I pop the trunk throw my bag in and walk to the door to open it.

Why am I so sad it's only her birthday and the day it happened but whatever, it doesn't matter I'm over it. Oh shoot I forgot my phone-

I put my car in park and step out and pop my trunk; I grab my bag and walk to the patio of my school. I see a lot of girls and guys staring at me it's kinda awkward. I hate being new. Well yesterday was really my first day but I skipped no one needs too know that though. I open the door to the school and I try to find the office which was pretty hard but I managed.

"Nice ass." Some random guy yelled I don't know if it was to me or the girls around me ugh guys. I live with like 20 of them well 6 but that is equivalent to  over one hundred. I should be used to it by now not the ass part but the never mind you get it. I think?

I walk into class I know I'm late but it's my first day who cares "why are you late?" The old lady in front of me asks. I guess she care, but I don't, I look at her blankly for a moment and reply with

"It's my first day." She points to a seat in the back of the class. I sit and wait, I don't think she likes me, but no one really does.

School is boring and so are all my classes high school is not what people think. In all the books they have all these cliques, I mean yeah we have cliques but we don't have popular people at least thats what I was told.

'Ring ring ring'

Finally school is over. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk to my home room. I heard people saying that Mrs. pond was a bitch but I don't think so she's just lonely; I would know after the accident my dad was kinda like that but in a guys way.

'Slam' I hear the door behind me this new house sucks its big but it's so sensitive. "Lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow are you trying?" My oldest brother that lives in this house asks but I shrug not sure if I will or not. "Oh come on little sis don't be a Debbie downer." He says and lightly punched my shoulder with his toothy grin. I giggle and smile back at him, he always finds a way to cheer me up.

"Fine I will." I say even though I'm not sure if I really will, and I'm pretty sure that there is only a guys team. Then again in soccer girls can play on guys teams and with football girls do that so I'll try it.

I walk up to my room to do my homework which is really easy but thats only because I learned this at my old school. I sit in silence while doing my homework. I think hard now  wondering about the past and if we hadn't had her go to work that day would everything have been different or would the accident still happen.

I snap out of thinking because my dad walked in. I turn to look at him did he go back there without me did he go see her and give her the flowers. What is he doing his eyes are blood shot that means he was crying and he only cries when he sees her. I look away I cant stand to see him in so much pain it makes me want to cry but I have made a promise to not cry.

I cant help it I feel the tears pooling in the creases of my eyes "its okay honey." my dads foot steps get closer and closer and when his hand hits my back I let it all out.

I have a head ache once I lift my head from my pillow. Dry tears are hardened to my face. I try to scrap them off but it doesn't work. I stand up and walk to my bathroom to get ready.

I wash my face, brush my hair, and brush my teeth. Walking to my room takes forever when your tired but whatever. I get dressed into a white t-shirt and a pair on sweats then throw on my new under armor sweat shirt. I grab stuff for lacrosse and I'm out the door in seconds.

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