"I'm doomed."

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.                      Tweek's PoV                     .

I hummed the tune of Can't Touch This as I traced circles on my palm. I was so calm until Mrs.Ballsack slammed a ruler on my desk. "HAMMER-TIME!" I yelled, startled, making the entire class, except Craig, laugh.

"Mr.Tweak! How many times have I told you to pay attention in class?" She demanded stalking up to the front of the class.

"I-I was listening!" I defended.

"Hmm oh yeah?" She narrowed her eyes, "then answer my question."

"She didn't ask a question," Craig whispered under his breath, knowing I'd hear. This happens a lot.

"You d-didn't ask a q-question!" I sent a glare back at her. She huffed and turned back to the board. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the bell rang.

I jumped up and turned to Craig, grabbing my backpack. Craig was my bestfriend. After six years of a fake relationship, how couldn't he be?

He stood up and grabbed his bag with one hand, and took mine in the other, flashing me a smile.

"S-so what are y-your plans for after school?" I asked as we made our way to a bench under a willow.

"I'm not quite sure," he replied as he pulled me down to the bench with him. "What about you?"

"P-probably just g-gonna go home and watch m-movies," I sighed, tilting my head back. "Jesus! How l-lame could I be?" I giggled, "S-staying home, watching m-movies alone on a Friday night?"

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere," Craig mumbled as he stood up, dropping my hand. It was so cold without his to hold. I just closed my eyes and started humming S.O.S. By Rhianna slowly. Just as I finish I heard someone sitting down next to me. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Craig looking right at me. "Here," he said, holding a cup of coffee out to me.

"Thanks," I smiled. I took a sip as he took hold of my hand again. He grabbed a book from his bag and started reading as I just observed the playground. I gave his hand a squeeze and looked at him. He had a light pink tint to his pale cheeks, his deep blue eyes focused on the book he held.


"Gah!" The bell was loud and made me jump. I almost spilt the coffee but luckily, it all remained in the cup.

Craig put his book back in his bag and slowly stood up, pulling me up with him. He grabbed both our bags and we started to walk to the next class.


"H-hey Craig?" I asked quietly as he walked me home. He hummed, telling me he was listening. "Y-you wanna come w-watch m-movies with me tonight?"

Silence. I looked over at him to see a light blush on his cheeks and a goofy smile. "Of course. Why would I pass up a chance at hanging out with my bestfriend?" He squeezed my hand. It became a habit to hold hands everywhere we went.

We got to my door and he hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I have to go home for a bit to check on Ruby. I'll text you before I come back," he whispered in my ear, turning to walk away. I walked through the door to see the reason he had kissed my cheek before leaving. My mom was sitting on the couch. She'd obviously been watching.

"Hello sweetie, how was your day?" She asked.

"G-good. C-can Craig s-spend the n-night tonight?" I asked.

"Of course," she smiled. "Me and your father won't be here tonight though, we're going out of town for a convention for the weekend."

"O-okay m-mom. Thanks!" I smiled leaving the room. About 15 minutes later I got a call from Craig. "H-hey," I stuttered as I picked up.

"Hey Tweekers, just wondering if you wanted me to bring popcorn or something?" I heard from the other end.

"Umm, if you w-wanna you could bring some popcorn, but other than that, just bring some pyjamas."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few!" I smiled as he hung up. About 5 minutes later Craig walked into my room. "Hey Tweekers, where's your mom?" He asked as he threw his bag by my bed.

"O-oh! H-her and my d-dad are away at a convention for the w-weekend," I stuttered, looking up at him.

He hummed. "So what movie are we watching first?" He asked walking over to the TV on my wall and turning it on.

"H-how about Kingsman? I-it's on Netflix now and you'd probably like it," I suggested, pulling up Netflix on the TV.

"Maybe later," Craig replied, thinking. "How about The Lion King?" He suggested, holding up the DVD.

"Y-yeah! S-sounds good!" I jumped off the bed, heading downstairs. I walked to the pantry and saw the popcorn on the top shelf. "Jesus! T-they know I can't r-reach there!" I panicked quietly. I tried to reach anyways. I jumped slightly as I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.

"Hey Tweekers, need some help?" Craig asked quietly as I nodded pointing to the popcorn.

"My asshole p-parents put the popcorn up t-there. They know I can't r-reach!" I grumbled.

"Let me help," Suddenly I was up in the air.

"Gah!" I screamed as he brought me higher. I saw the popcorn in front of me and grabbed it with my shakey hands. Craig slowly lowered me down so I could stand again and I turned slightly, smiling at him. I then popped the first bag of popcorn into the microwave and set it to 2:30 on high. "T-thank you."

"No problem, Tweekers!" I smiled at the nickname.

Beep Beep Beep

"Gahh!" I jumped as the microwave went off.

"C'mon Tweek, let's go watch The Lion King!" Craig smiled, sprinting to my room. I grabbed a Pepsi for Craig and a coffee for myself and slowly climbed the stairs. When I got to my room, Craig was already laying in my bed, ready to press play. I sat down beside him and handed him his pop as he pressed the button.

.                      Craig's PoV                     .

"Can you feel, the love tonight?" The movie sang as Tweek's head fell on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and he was out cold. "And if he falls in love tonight, it can be assumed, his carefree days with us are history. In short, our pal is doomed," The movie sang as I wrapped my arms around Tweek and pulled him to lay down, resting his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead and pulled the covers over us, turning the TV off.

"I'm doomed."

Important A/N;
Ok, so I started the next chapter but it's not as good as this one so I'm considering just leaving this as a oneshot. Please let me know if I should continue this or not, because I do have a plan for a creek story that I can easily use with this!
Hope you enjoyed this, see ya later!

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