Breaking the glass

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As I pushed toward the guy, I became overwhelmed with anger. This Bastard can't just hit me and not expect to get hit back. Then BOOOOOOM!!! I had hit him. I was onto of him. I dropped my gloves and so did he. This is how I know the fight has begun. I punch him so hard. Then again and AGIAN. He finally pitches me off and I jumped up he tugged at my jersey. He basically ripped it of me. Then came the pads. Yes he pipped my pads off. I was left with just my hot pink and blue sports bra the said "HANG IN THERE GIRLS" on the front of it. I punched him again and he hit me in the stomach. I clutched my side it hurt sooo bad. Then the referees came into play. One tried to hold me back but fail. Then another came i got out of they grip and then a third and a fourth. finally they had me pinned down. In the End we both got five minuets in the box. I was still so mad. As soon as I got out of the box I had planned my revenge. I asked my coach if he would put me in center for one shift. He agreed. Finally the time came for me to face off. The puck dropped and i pass it back to Dominick he takes it and slap shots it down into the end of the ice. He knew my plan and liked it. The guy who checked me was on defense so he went rushing to get it. I came speeding down the ice. I threw my self toward him. As soon as I checked him i herd a cracking noise and and shatter. I turn around and see I just broke the glass when I checked him. That wasn't my plan. My plan was to just check him. I still had the puck and shot it down the ice and still looked at him. The EMTS looked at him. All in all black hawks won. I had

Earned the title for bone crusher.



Lilly had got into a fight and she beat the shit out of the guy it was amazing!! Later on she checked someone and put them through the glass. I had fallen hard for her. The entire time Paul was screaming an cheering. One of the perks we had because we were famous is that we get to meet the team. As we walked towards the locker room I became very excited.



because of my game i didn't have to get dressing the janitors closet.(That was coaches way of keeping me safe). I start to get undressed as coach talked. I had my top half off and the locker room had gone silent aside from the music. Then people

Walk in and a bunch of the guys recognized the people as well as me. It was one direction. I tried to contain my inner 13 year old but it wasn't that easy.

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