Chapter 6

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Hi guys I'm



I was still blushing when my brother came and picked me up. The whole way home I could not stop thinking of him. Him smell. His words. His laugh. After he have me his number all the boys chatted with the team and I just say there awkwardly undressing.

"You like him don't you?" My brother blurted out

I sighed "Yes very much so."

He was right I adored him. When we pulled up to the drive way of my Alex looked at me and said

"He better treat you right my lobster" my brother always called me his lobster. My dad used to call me that when I was younger along with him. Him........... I missed him. His simple blue eyes. And laugh that could make a while room laugh with him. No stop. He's gone.

"Hi mom!" I yell even though its a one story house with three beds. Even tthough I'm rich my mom refuse to take money from me. I looked over to see Chris, Max and Alex. They were all playing video games. An watching the rerun if the fight.

"Lilly!" They all yelled then undoes on me.


Short i know hate me. I be just been. Writing a new story so its been stressful. Love you all





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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