Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V :

After she left, I had to go to the recording studio.In my way there, I get a text from Liam saying that they're waiting for me.I sighed as I was stuck on traffic.I then texted him I was stuck on traffic.15 Minutes Later, I'm there and I guess it's Liam's,Niall's and my turn to record.The minute I entered , we started recording immediately due to my tardiness.After we finished,I was tired, so I headed back to my flat.On the way there , I started thinking about my day.It started all great then I guess depressing.I finally got to Lou and My flat.I saw that there was Louis' car so he came back.I then locked my car and got inside the car.There I greeted Lou as he watched a football game.He then said : "Hey Hazza, how was your day?" he said.I sighed and said : "Not so great lad, how about yours?" I said.He nodded and said : "Same, about and hour ago I came back from El's, Tamina was really thankful and sended me to say thank you for the iPhone." he said.I gave him a weary smile.

I then said : "Have you ate already? " I said.He then shook his head, and until right now I noticed he was drinking.He was on his first beer.Lou only drinks when something bad or he's moody happened.I then said : "Lad,I guess you had a worser day than mine due to you ending up drinking" I said.He then said : "Yes I did Harold, now please give me space kay?" he said.I then made a tsk tsk sound and headed to my room.The only way to figure out what happened is if I call Tamina.

Tamina's P.O.V :

After I left Harry and Louis' Flat with the bag,I felt happy for the new iPhone, it was really nice of him.But then I sighed remembering the last time someone gave me something like this.I then entered my car and drove back to Eleanor and My flat.Once I got inside the building , I opened the door, and saw Lou in a chair running a hand through his hair with his glasses.I then said dropping the bag in the floor this : "Lou what's wrong, your running your hand through your hair like crazy" I said.He then sighed and said : "Tamina , you would be the same if your girlfriend was throwing up all morning and night and then she's calm" he said.I then said : "Haven't you gave her medicine or something? Louis it's been alot of time of Eleanor being like this" I said.

He then said : "I know Tamina, what do I do? I'm no doctor" he said.I then said : "You know what Lou, I think I the best is if you head home and then , I'll take care of her kay? I'll call you if something happens" I said.He nodded and then said : "You sure you can do this Tamina?" he said.I nodded and said : "Yes Lou, now shoo and go get some sleep in your flat" I said.He gave me a sly smile and before he left, he said : "I'll leave the bag there if I ever need something" he said and closed the door.I told him to leave because I hope El doesn't have what I'm thinking, but there is only one way to find out.

I approached El, whom was just laying in bed watching some random T.V. show and said : "Hey Ellie, how you feeling?" I said.She smiled and said : "A bit better than awhile ago" she said.I then said : "Good , and um can I ask you something?" I said.She nodded and said : "You know the answer to that Tami" she said.I chuckled and she smiled , I then said : "I don't mean to be nosy or either straightforward but when was the last time you um , did it?" I said.Her eyes bugged out and said : " Um, I um, about 2 weeks ago, and why are you asking me this Tamina ?" she said.I sighed realizing what this really could mean and finally said : "Eleanor Jane Calder, I think you might be pregnant" I said.She then gasped and said : "Tamina , that can't be true" she said.

I then said : "It's only true if you take a pregnancy test" I said.She sighed and said : "Okay , so could you go buy a um pregnancy test for me please? I'll repay you later" she said.I nodded and said : "Sure, but give me a call if something happens" I said.She nodded and then I headed towards the door, then to my car and to the farmacy.After I bought 3 pregnancy tests for Ellie, I finally headed back to our flat.Once I got to the building, I ran out of the car fastly and then into our flat building, when I was finally at the door, I took a deep breath and got inside.I then got to El's room and found her biting her nails, when she finally saw me she said : "Give them to me" and entered the bathroom.

This one moment could change her life and Lou's life.After like 15 minutes, she got out the bathroom and said : "Tami come, it's loading and I don't want to you know , find it out alone" she said.I nodded as we entered her bathroom and saw the 3 pregnancy test in the counter there with the loading sign.After awhile, they all then finished and had a pink plus sign.She then looked at me weirdly and I then gave her a weird look, she then said : "Tami, what does that mean?!" she said.I then grabbed the box and then clearly read as it said : "If blue negative sign shows, it means no, and If pink plus shows up, it means a yes".I then put a hand in my mouth as El gasped.She then said : "Tamina, this means I'm pregnant and " she said and broke out crying.I then said : "What's wrong El?" I said as we sat in the cold floor.She then stopped and said : "I don't know how Lou will handle it , or he could even leave me, for heaven's sake, he hasn't even proposed to me yet!" she said.

I then just hugged her.I then said : "Eleanor, Louis loves you with all his heart, you have both been strong for two long years, he would never leave his child like his father did to him remember? I know Lou too well, that instead, he will try his best and be the father he never had" I said.She then stopped crying and said : "Thank you Tamina for being the bestest friend ever" she said.I smiled and we then hugged.I then said : "El, you know how you could tell Lou, we could go to the doctor tomorrow and then you send him a picture of the fetus in a card" I said.She chuckled and said : "That's one hell of a great idea " she said.We laughed and talked until we where finally tired and she went to sleep, I ofcourse, gave her a throwing up pill and everything went alright.

I was now in my bed when I get a call from Harry,I then answer and say : "Hey Hazza" I said.He then said : "Tell me you know why Lou is drinking ,watching a football game and treating me like crap" he said.I chuckled and said : "Lou's like that becasue something really big happened today that he doesn't know" I said.He then said : "Really now you won't tell me too? Please tell me what happened or curiosity will overtake me" he said.I giggled and said : "Alright, but you can't tell not a SOUL or either a PERSON on what I'm about to tell you" I said.

He did a mhm sound as I said : "Harry, El's Pregnant" I said.Harry then gasped and said : "Oh lord, this means he's becoming a father" he said.After that , I explained him all of the plan and he agreed on that it was a good idea.I then ended the call on what it was like 12 in the morning.Cheeky Little Harry is to curious.Gotta put that in my checklist.

I then got up of my bed , and went to check out how Ellie was.She was sleeping soundly.Gotta make another note in my checklist that sleeping pills help.I then yawned and finally returned to my room , leaned on my bed , and sleep overtook me.Tomorrow is going to be a very long and important day not just for me , but for Lou and El.

Author's Note :

I'm so so so so so so so and so sorry that I haven't updated since February!! 

I've been really busy , but now  will try to update faster than before!

Oh and , please check out @djmalik_biebah's new story L-O-V-E What?  I'm once again sorry If I promote it too much ahahah! I just like it alot , and I know Annie would love some reads! So thanks if you check her out!!

Well , I guess it's my time to say goodbye now! Stay tuned for my next update!

-aria :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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