Alice's memroys

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Alice stared at the little girl. The girl could not have been any older than three of four. She had dark black hair and green eyes. Her face was pale. Alice realised the girl was Phoebe.

Two adults came into the room. Alice gasped. The adults were her parents. Alice had never seen them looking so young.

Her mother was holding a baby.

"Can I hold her" Phoebe begged her mother.

Her mother laughed.

"Sure" she said

Alice remember her parents saying how Phoebe took to Alice from day one.

Alice was jerked into a new memory. She was seven years old and doing ice skating for the first time.

Alice was clutching a Penguin to stay upright. Phoebe was their too. She was giggling and laughing.

She had only been on the ice for five minutes when Phoebe no longer used the penguin. Fifften minutes into the lesson she did a full lap round the ring.

The young Alice stared at Phoebe. Their was longing in her eyes.

Alice remembered how she had always been in Phoebe's shadow. Phoebe was best at everything.

The scene changed and Alice was dancing. She was in the back row of the dance. As she went off stage Phoebe came on stage for her solo. The young Alice was watching her dance. She was brilliant and perfect.

The two girls ran off and a group of ten people began to dance. Then they ran off. Phoebe and Alice both came on again. Alice was wearing a pale pink dress and pink tights. She looked cute and happy.

Phoebe was dressed in a black tutu and purple tights. Her pale face seemed to shine. Her long dark hair loose

Phoebe started to dance. Alice stayed still. After about ten seconds she began to dance two. After about five minuets two more girls ran on. One girl was tall and the same age as Phoebe. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was tall and slim. She was a friend of Phoebe. She was called Alison. The other girl was a friend of Alice's. She was blond with brown eyes. She was called Jessica but everyone had always called her Jess.

Then they were having a party.

"You did great"

It was Alison. Alice had always loved Alison.

"You did great Ali" said one of Alison's friends.

Memories fludded Alice's mind till she was back in her own room.

She know what she has to do. She wrote two letters and a spell and then she left.

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