Turn up

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Mariah pov.

So guess what today is it's Saturday. And you know what that means my birthday is coming up in 7 more days. Turn up but I gotta plan for my party anyways. I sat on my computer and searched for the place where I can have it,  its open invite so anyone can come. I'm more of a open invite kind of person so ima let the whole school come my old school come and my ig followers come.

I get out the bed and showers August must of seen all the money everywhere forgot to clean it up because Kayla come over to the house and we were twerking and was throwing money at each other it was fun I ain't gon front. But it's not like it was guys it was just us, so like yea.

I also ordered like mad skywalkers all to match my outfits so you know I gotta match. I showered and got out brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I put on jeans a white crop top, a red jacket my customized red and white Colombians and a red Nike visor.

I heard the doorbell ring and I got hype hoping it was my skywalkers. I hit the jets down stairs sounding like a herd of elephants running.  I was dumb excited like who wouldn't be. I seen like mad cases everywhere and I got hype. " Ah shit thank you. Can you bring it in here? And here let me help you with those..."

"No problem oh and here your dad ordered an iPhone 6s rose gold for you" he hands me the box. Dad is the real MVP right now. I hear August groan and comes downstairs and looks surprised asl wondering why do I have all these skywalkers.

All the famous people have one but I got em all in different colors. " Mariah was this all necessary?" I look at him. " Yes nigga it was."

He sighs and fake smiles " I'll be upstairs..." he walks away. I feel bad what's up with him. " Okay if you need anything tell me... Okay?"

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