Meeting August and Jacquees

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Mariah pov.

So I finally leave out of that hell hole. I call it a hell hole because now he's my partner everytime we stretch and when we play games he wants me to be the demestration for the shit like im mad lazy like fr fr doeeee. Next up is english class with Mrs. Carson. As Issa drags me to her class I feel mad eyes on me as soon as I come into that room oh gawd I swear I was in heaven. I seen a light skinned long neck cutie and a dark skinned dreaded boy. I could have sworn I seen them both wink at me. But I just was like damned how can god make such beautiful niggas its just a blessing. Please someone just tell what in god's name are these sexy ass nigga doing in here in this school. Like damn something is wrong here.
Mr's. Carson speaks"Would you like to sit down or would you like to stare " with abit of an attitude oh gawd these Bitches got attitude problems in this fucking school. So I sit next to Issa in front of the 2 gods in back of me. So as I'm listening to Mrs. Carson both of them tapping me for like the longest . "May I please help you I asked annoyed." I asked " Yeah you can no need for an attitude lil ma." light skinned one said "But I'm Jacquees." he puts out his hand and the light skinned one pushes Jacquees's hand out the way "I'm August lil ma and your name is?" I wondering if I just ignore them or tell them. So I decide to ignore them. And go back to doing my work giggling lightly causing them to laugh in perfect harmony. Mrs. Carson annoying ass gotta always say something to me " Ms. Stevenson anything you like to share with the class?" so you know with my smart ass I had to say something. " Yeah actually I was wondering if you get good dick cause you act like you ain't had known in a long time and taking it out on us well actually me ain't helping the fact that your mans ain't giving you that good shit now please stop tryna pick on me. And stop always saying something to only me I can't help you with your situation it sounds really personal. " everyone in the classroom erupted in laughter and Mrs. Carson with her anger issues started yelling for everyone to stop laughing and what not. " Mariah your in detention all this week after school do you understand me!!!" I start to laugh " Sure Mrs.Carson but you still ain't getting no zaddy zick even if I stay after school for detention." I snicker and she yells again " Get out of my class room now!!!" I walk out dying. " My pleasure bye bitch." I walk out and I see Issa Jacquees and August behind me laughing. " Aye lil ma got guts." August says and Jacquees is still laughing. Issa is just like -.- "You play to much and coulda got into a lot of trouble Mariah. " I shrug my shoulders " Issa I'm not like most girls I just give no fucks that's just the way I am im sorry if you thought I was this good innocent girl I'm actually not Fucking with my dad I learn slot from him such as trust no nigga cause they ain't shit and my mother is in the hospital I have hope but they say that their is a 70% chance she is gonna die. And I gotta take care of my lil brother because my dad isn't their all the time when I need him to be I'm basically my brother King's mom dad and sister I got to much to do to be able to deal with females attitudes moves days and I'm not biting my tongue cause she was pissing me off and I got a temper for a reason." I finish talking and Jacquees and August and Issa is quiet.

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