Chapter 6

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Alexis PoV
I woke up feeling sick. So I ran to the bathroom and threw up. And kept throwing up to the point where I felt I threw up my guts out. As I was throwing up I felt someone wrap my hair behind my hair. I turned around and it was Xavier. I flush the toilet and brushed my teeth "thank you" I said weary. He nodded and left somewhere. After I brushed my teeth I got ready for my day. I put on a aqua loose fitted crop top, white skinny jeans, and My aqua 11's with my floral aqua and yellow bucket hat. Shid your girl was looking sexy af. I walked out my bedroom looking bomb and then I spotted Xavier and Lord me and him both know I was having thoughts that I should not be having. He was wearing a plain wife beater, khakis, and timbs but HEY! He was rocking his shit "hey baby" he said I said hello and went to get food. Ice cream to be exact. I went to the freezer and opened strawberry icecream. I was extra hungry so I added whipped cream, gummy worms, cherries, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and grabbed the spoon. Oh Lord!!!! It looked so delicious my mouth was watering so bad so I dug in. BUT when I tried to stick spoon in the ice cream. IT WAS TO HARD TO SCOOP all that waiting!!! I am really upset "Why you crying ma" I didn't even notice I was crying "I can't eat my ice cream" I sniffled. But this nigga thought that shit was fucking funny "WHY you laughing? I poured my heart out to you and you laugh??? Biggs tonight u gonna sleep with your best friend. The couch!!!" he looked confused. But I didn't give a two ducks "Ma just eat this" he handed me some Mac and cheese. But somehow when I smelled it I felt like throwing up. Then I felt it coming up. Ughhhhh I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I guess it's a stomach virus going around.

Malik PoV
My daddy just dropped me and Diamond off at school. Honestly I HATE it. There are to many big kids and they look all scary like giants. Once my pops took me to his class my teacher was running towards him with a weird look. But I wasn't paying attention to the because that's when Nadia walked by. She looked really pretty with her tutu and citrus 11's. My daddy always told me don't chase a girl that won't even look yo way. So I walked over towards her to see that she was coloring a flower "hi" I said "¡Hola!" What she say? "What you say?" She laughed and told me she said hello. Which made me laugh also. She told me she loved my accent which I didn't even know I had. She asked me if I wanted to color with her. And I said yes.

Alexis PoV (Pic in m/m is not when he in bed it's just a pic of him sleeping)
It was around 10 and I wanted to see my daddy. I knocked on his door since I was already dressed and was in my car. Seconds later no one opened the door so I did a beat on it with my hand. That's when Nicki opened it "Girl what you doin making beats and shit I was sleep and ya daddy sleep too" "I wanna chill wit my pops" she nodded and went to the kitchen. Bruh what ima bout to tell you is some top csi shizzz so u can't yell because he's gon know. Ok? Ok. I went to his room as quiet as possible to see him sleeping. I creeped up to him and jumped on him. He was still sleep. I played loud music in his ear. Still sleep. I looked at nicki who was laughing. After her laughing fit she mouth sex. So I made her go into the guess room next door and pretend to had sex with someone LOUD. No use. Damn this nigga a REAL heavy sleeper. So I thought and thought of a funny way to wake him up. But nothing popped up. Then I remembered Xavier and made a phone call.

August PoV
And now I pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Xavier Brown. I watched as Alexis and Xavier walked down the aisle and as Tre, Nelly's son was carried down the aisle screaming while the cops dragged him down to they cop car. Then I saw black. The I heard moaning and groaning and then I saw Alexis and Xavier having sex "ALEXIS AYANNA RENE ALSINA GETCHO ASS UP OUT THAT BED". Then I woke up but the sound of them doing that was still ringing in my ears. I hopped out of bed yelling "NICKI GET MA GLOCK THIS SHIT IS NOT HAPPENIN TADAY NO NOT IN MA FUCKIN HOUSE" my accent was heavy as I sacreamed while running towards the sounds. Because I was fuming and Nicki was nowhere to be seen with my glock. I busted through a he door where they were and I heard a click and laughter. I was mad but I stilled laughed along at the prank that was pulled on me "How yew gon do dat ta me beybeh guh" I pretended to cry. She then came to hug me "I'm sowy daddy u were sleep and nothing else worked" she had her lil baby voice on and the shit worked.

Nicki PoV
It was 10 hours later since that funny joke happened. We were all eating my moms homemade Buljol on a coconut bake. A famous Trinidadian dish and lemme tell you that was delicious "Damn ma I ain't know you could cook like that" "yea mommy" said August and Diamond. I said thank you and looked over a Alexis who looked like she wanted to throw up. And she ran to go the bathroom and did just that. With me holding her hair for support. After she finished she brushed her teeth and went back downstairs. Everyone looked at her crazy then looked at me. I laughed because I knew what they were thinking "I didn't poison nun" they nodded and continue eating.






Ik ik boring chapter but it was all I got for now!!!!

But that prank doe?????

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