chapter 29

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Xavier PoV
I was beyond pissed, my baby girl and my kids are missing. And I tried to do the legal thing and tell the police, but they searched, couldn't find them and said maybe they ran away. Fuck that shit so ima do it MY way "I WANT YALL TO LOOK THROUGH EVERY CORNER, EVERY STATE, COUNTRY, AND CITY! NO ONE SLEEPS TILL SHE AND MY SEEDS ARE FOUND" everyone nodded. Fuck! I feel so stupid, I let my guard down and now my life is gone. I sat down and lit up a blunt to take the stress away "Man" I heard Alexis dad say "What happened to you. You look like a old homeless man shitted on you and you bathed in it for a week" he continued "listen, I'm not in the mood. Either give me good info or leave" I inhaled the smoke and let it go through my vains. I smashed my blunt on the table and walked out with august on my tail "where that girl that been living with you? Isn't her name Sean? Seen?" August asked "She's looking for Alexis and her name is Seun!" He nodded as he hopped in my car with me. I was headed to look some more on where Alexis is. Who got beef with me? Ummm no one. Who fam I killed and they found out it was me? Nope. No one so why was Alexis and my kids kidnapped and by who? I droe home to call it for the night

Seun PoV
I feel terrible. I did something all because of money and why? Alexis was a true friend to me and I did something a friend should never do yo another friend. And for what? Money. I walked into the building I said I would never go in my boyfriends hideout. "Babe I'm back!" I yelled. Tre  came downstairs and grabbed my neck making me kiss his crusty lips. Sticking his fish taste tongue in mine. Quickly I pulled away "hey so where's Alexis?" I asked "in he room. She a bitch I don't even know.why you care for her" I shrugged and ran up to her room "Hey Alexis" she looked at me with pure hate in her eyes and turned away to play with her kids "Cmon now why are you mad me" I pretended to not know so she can talk to me. But she didn't, she stayed quiet.
But If I was in her shoes I'd be doing the same thing. I mean who would invite a stranger to live with them, buy her stuff, get along with her and trust her with her kids, get kidnapped, and later learn that the stranger set you up and got you into the position your at now. Pretty fucked up huh? Well once I get my money, ima get Lexi and her kids out of here. They don't deserve this. Quietly I walked out of her room and downstairs to get her and her kids some food.

Author PoV
As Xavier and August sat on the couch and just watched the blank flat screen TV. "This is the boringness shit ever" August groaned "Well my nigga what you want me to do?" Xavier said "be fun" Xavier got up and grabbed two blunts "let'sgethigherthana mothafuckingkite" Xavier said quickly with a smirk on his face

• 45 minutes later •

Both of them were high as they wished for. And were acting a fool "Ayo August What's 9+10" Xavier asked while laughing. August looked up from his big plate of skittles, Popeye's, and chips  " Nigga I don't know ummmmm 5,990" he answered. It went quiet for a moment them they busted out laughing "Nigga stupid. Naw its 54" they laughed. But then soon got serious "Believe they got my daughter bruh. That's daddy's little girl" August cried all of s sudden "Nah bruh. She All grown up" Xavier said she comforting him.








That's it. The book is finished!!!! Lol I cried a little during this buhhhhhh yes that's it. Vote on chapters you haven't voted on ☺

Love you all 😘😘😘
           - Tjthecreator 😈👅💦💖

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