Chapter Four

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The next morning Katherine woke up and ran to the bathroom and started puking and then she brushed her teeth and went to the kitchen where
Damon was cooking breakfast.
"Good morning." Damon said.
"Morning." Katherine said.
"Madison is coming over." Damon said.
"Okay." Katherine said.
Then there was a knock on the door and Damon answered and Madison came in with Liz and then she set the bag on the floor.
"Caroline wants her back on Sunday morning." Liz said.
"I'll drop her off." Damon said.
"Bye Madison." Liz said.
"Bye Grandma." Madison said.
Then Liz left and Damon put Madison's stuff in her room and then Katherine made plates.
"Want some breakfast?" Katherine asked.
"Yes I'm starving." Madison said.
"Here." Katherine said as she handed Madison her plate.
"Daddy?" Madison asked.
"Yes." Damon said.
"Why aren't you and Mommy together anymore?" Madison asked.
"I'm having a baby with Aunt Katherine and you're going to have a new baby sibling." Damon said.
"Yay!" Madison said.
"You want a brother or sister to play with?" Damon asked.
"I want a sister to play dress up and barbies with." Madison said.
"How about I take you to get some toys?" Damon asked.
"Sure." Madison said.
"But you have to finish eating before you two go anywhere." Damon said.
"Okay Daddy." Madison said.
Then Katherine and Madison finished eating and then Katherine got dressed and they took Madison to the store while Damon shopped for movies. Meanwhile Caroline woke up and looked over to see Klaus laying beside her and then she slowly got up and walked to the door. When she looked back over to the bed Klaus was gone and then she looked back at the door and Klaus stood in front of her.
"Stay away from me!" Caroline said.
"Calm down." Klaus said.
"What did you do to me?" Caroline asked as she felt bite marks on her neck and saw blood dripping down.
"It could have been a very different morning." Klaus said as his fangs came out.
Then Klaus bit Caroline and she screamed and then he compelled her to forget that she ever knew what happened and then they got dressed. Then Klaus left and then Caroline called Stefan.
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." Caroline asked.
"Sure I'll be right over." Stefan said.
Then a couple of minutes later, Stefan knocked on the door and then she opened it and then they went out to the car and drove to the bar.
"When did they tell you?" Caroline asked.
"Last night." Stefan said.
"I walked in on them in Damon's bed and I freaked out." Caroline said.
"I still can't believe my brother ended up fucking my girlfriend." Stefan said.
"She was my best friend and she ruined our friendship." Caroline said.
Then they drank for a couple of hours until they were drunk and started dancing together. Meanwhile Damon carried Madison inside and put her on her bed while Katherine started unpacking her clothes into Damon's dresser and then Damon came in and kissed her cheek. Then they went out to the kitchen and started cooking dinner.
"I love you." Damon said.
"I love you too." Katherine said.
"Can you go wake Madison up for dinner?" Damon asked.
"Sure." Katherine said.
Then Katherine walked in Madison's room and sat on the bed and tapped Madison.
"It's dinnertime." Katherine said.
"I'm getting up." Madison said.
Then Madison held Katherine's hand and walked to the table where Damon was putting plates on the table. Then they started eating and talked and then Katherine gave Madison a bath while Damon started picking up and put her to bed. Meanwhile Stefan and Caroline got in his car and started driving and drove Caroline home and then he went to Damon's house. Then Stefan knocked on the door and Damon answered it.
"What do you want?" Damon asked.
"Where is she?" Stefan asked.
"Go home you're drunk." Damon said.
"Madison is asleep." Katherine said as she saw Damon and Stefan.
"Are you happy that you fucked my brother?" Stefan asked.
"Stefan go home." Damon said.
Then Stefan pushed Damon on the floor and then pinned Katherine up against the wall and tried to kiss her and then Damon pulled Stefan off and threw him out the door.
"Your parents should be ashamed of having a slut as a daughter and so should you." Stefan said.
Then Stefan left and Damon picked Katherine off the floor and held her on the couch.
"I deserve this." Katherine said as she started crying.
"Don't say that." Damon said.
"I'm so sorry." Katherine said.
"Look at me I love you and this won't stop me from being with you and our future." Damon said.
Then she went into the bathroom and cleaned her face and then she laid next to him and fell asleep. The next morning, he woke up and got dressed and took Madison back to Caroline's house. When they got there Caroline answered the door.
"I decided that you can have her on the weekends." Caroline said.
"You need to talk to Katherine and make up." Damon said.
"No she hurt me." Caroline said.
"I know but she's hurting too." Damon said.
"She deserves it." Caroline said.
"No she doesn't you should be mad at me not her." Damon said.
"Why?" Caroline asked.
"I'm the one who started this in the first place when she thought it was wrong." Damon said.
"I still don't care." Caroline said.
Then Caroline went back inside and shut the door and then Damon got in his car and drove back home. When he got home Katherine was in the shower and then he got in the shower with her.
"Good morning." Damon said.
"Good morning." Katherine said as she kissed him.
"I'll pick you up after school and we'll go somewhere for dinner." Damon said.
"Okay." Katherine said.
Then they got dressed and then he dropped her off at school and then she went to English and saw Caroline talking to Klaus. Then she sat down and then Stefan came into the room and sat behind her.
"I hope you like your gift." Stefan said.
Then everyone's phone started going off and everyone started looking at Katherine and then Katherine's phone went off and a video started playing of her and Stefan having sex. Then she saw pictures of her naked and then she got up and started to run out the door when Alaric stopped her and held her while she cried and then he took her out in the hallway. Then Caroline saw the video and the pictures and went over to Stefan.
"She doesn't deserve that." Caroline said.
"Yes she does since she fucked my brother ." Stefan said.
"So you have to punish her like this for a mistake?" Caroline asked.
"Why do you even care when she hurt you too?" Stefan said.
"I wouldn't ever do something like this to get back at her." Caroline said.
Then Caroline walked out into the hallway and hugged Katherine and then Alaric took Stefan to the office.
"I'm so sorry Care." Katherine said.
"It's okay." Caroline said.
"I didn't meant to hurt you and everyone else." Katherine said.
"I forgive you." Caroline said.
"Thank you." Katherine said.
"It's going to be okay." Caroline said.
"I can't go back in there." Katherine said.
"Let's go to the office and see if you can go home." Caroline said.
"Okay." Katherine said.
Then they went to the office and went to sit down and then the principal called them into his office.
"So what happened?" Principal Martin asked as she sat down.
"My stepson and Ms. Pierce broke up and he's been trying to do anything that will hurt her." Alaric said.
"Like what?" Principal Martin asked.
"He sent everyone inappropriate pictures of her and a video that was also inappropriate." Alaric said.
"Oh you mean our sex tape and her nudes." Stefan said as he laughed.
"Ms. Pierce did you make a inappropriate video with Mr. Salvatore?" Principal Martin asked as she looked at Katherine.
"No I didn't even know anything about it until now." Katherine said.
"Katherine would never do anything like this." Caroline said.
"You don't know anything about Katherine since she fucked your boyfriend and got pregnant." Stefan said.
"I know but I forgive her and I know it was a mistake." Caroline said.
"She's still a slut." Stefan said.
"Stop calling me that." Katherine said.
"I don't care." Stefan said.
"I loved you and all you wanted from me was sex." Katherine said.
"I did love you until you fucked my brother." Stefan said.
"I am sorry." Katherine said.
"Mr. Salvatore you are going to be suspended for the rest of the week and Ms. Pierce I want you to go home." Principal Martin said.
Then Stefan drove home and John picked up Katherine and then she ran into his arms and started crying as he held her.
"I'm so sorry Dad." Katherine said.
"It's okay lets go home." John said.
"What about Damon?" Katherine asked.
"He's already at the house waiting for you." John said.
Then they got in the car and drove home and then Katherine got out and ran into Damon's arms and cried.
"Let's go inside." Damon said.
"Okay." Katherine said.
Then they went inside and they all sat down in the living room and started talking about what happened at school.
"What did he do?" John asked.
"He made a sex tape and sent it to everyone and pictures of me naked." Katherine said.
"Oh my god." Isobel said.
"I didn't know about the sex tape but I did send him the pictures when we were dating." Katherine said.
"Why did you send them?" John asked.
"I don't know." Katherine said.
Then Damon's phone started ringing and then he got up and answered it.
"Hello." Damon said.
"Damon I need you to come over here and talk to your brother or else we'll come over to your house and talk about what he did today." Lily said.
"Meet me at my house." Damon said.
"Okay." Lily said.
Then Damon hung up and went back into the living room where they were still talking.
"I have to go and have a talk with my family so I'll see you later." Damon said.
"I want to come with you." Katherine said.
"Okay." Damon said.
"Bye." Isobel and John said.
"Bye." Katherine said.
"Bye." Damon said.
Then they left and went home to wait for Damon's family. Then they came over and sat down and started talking.
"Stefan why did you do what you did to Katherine?" Damon said.
"To get back at her for fucking you and getting pregnant." Stefan said.
"Stefan I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm really sorry." Katherine said.
"If you were sorry you wouldn't have slept with my brother." Stefan said.
"We slept together before you and I were even dating." Katherine said.
"I don't care." Stefan said.
"What would it take you to forgive me for my mistake?" Katherine said.
"To get rid of the baby." Stefan said.
"Stefan!" Damon said.
"I should be mad at you." Katherine said.
"Why?" Stefan asked.
"I know you were hooking up with other people while we first started actually dating." Katherine said.
"How would you know?" Stefan asked.
"I saw you." Katherine said.
"I don't know why when you cheat on her she chooses to forgive you but when she cheats on you all hell breaks loose." Damon said.
"I forgave you so why is it so hard to do the same thing?" Katherine asked.
"Shut up." Stefan said.
"You know you don't deserve her and you never did." Damon said.
"Why is that?" Stefan asked.
"All you ever did with her is have rough sex." Damon said.
"How would you know that the sex is rough or not?" Stefan asked.
"It was rough sex and you never wanted to have sex slowly or do anything else." Katherine said.
"I liked having rough sex with you everyday." Stefan said.
"Why?" Katherine asked.
"I liked when your breasts went up and down whenever I pushed hard or when you would moan loudly." Stefan said.
"Stefan I loved you until you changed into someone different." Katherine said.
"I was thinking about going home and thought it would be good to have Stefan stay the night." Lily said.
"Fine he can sleep on the couch and talk this out." Damon said.
Then Lily left and went home while Damon, Katherine, and Stefan sat in the living room talking.
"What do you want to do?" Katherine asked.
"I don't know." Damon said.
"I have an idea." Stefan said.
"What?" Katherine asked.
"Me and you have sex." Stefan said.
"No." Damon said.
"Why do you think that I would do that after all you've done?" Katherine asked.
"Fine me and you can just talk out our differences." Stefan said.
"Okay I am going to Caroline's to talk to her." Damon said.
"Okay I'll call you if I need anything while you're out." Katherine said.
"Bye." Damon said.
"Bye." Katherine said.
Then Damon got in his car and went to Caroline's house. Then he knocked on the door and Caroline answered the door.
"Hey." Damon said.
"Hey." Caroline said.
"I came to talk to you and apologize for things." Damon said.
"Come in." Caroline said.
Meanwhile Katherine and Stefan sat on the couch talking about things and she started crying. As Damon sat down on the bed next to Caroline, he noticed a T-shirt on the floor.
"Who's T-shirt is on the floor?" Damon asked.
"It's Klaus's T-shirt." Caroline said.
"What was he doing in your bedroom?" Damon asked.
"He wasn't he let me use his shirt because I split my drink all over my shirt." Caroline said.
"Oh." Damon said.
"Why are you jealous about me having a relationship with anyone else but you can be with my best friend and expect me to be okay with it?" Caroline asked.
"No it's because our four year old daughter lives with you and I don't want her to see a lot of guys over here." Damon said.
"You are the only guy I've slept with and you know that." Caroline said.
"I know I'm sorry." Damon said.
"It was our first time." Caroline said.
"It wasn't my first time." Damon said.
"What?" Caroline asked.
"It might have been your first time but it wasn't my first time and to be honest you were the second girl I've slept with." Damon said.
"Why did you lie to me?" Caroline asked.
"I didn't entirely lie to you." Damon said.
"Who was it?" Caroline asked.
"Katherine." Damon said.
"When did that ever happen in the first place?" Caroline asked.
"I took you, Katherine, and Stefan to that party during spring break and we had a few drinks and I took Katherine into a room and we kissed and then she took her dress off and we made out and ended up having sex." Damon said.
"Why didn't she tell me?" Caroline asked.
"After a few days she got pregnant but had a miscarriage and later found out that she had a low percentage of having a baby." Damon said.
"I never knew that and I was so horrible to her and made her feel guilty for getting pregnant." Caroline said.
"It is okay." Damon said.
"What happened to us?" Caroline said.
"We had a baby at a young age and it changed everything for us but we ended up changing each other so much." Damon said.
"It would have been much easier if we just admitted how we felt about each other." Caroline said.
"I agree." Damon said.
"I am sorry I didn't let you explain things to me." Caroline said.
"It is okay I deserved it." Damon said.
"No you didn't." Caroline said.
"Yes I did because I cheated on you with your best friend and got her pregnant." Damon said.
"I forgive you." Caroline said.
"Thank you." Damon said.
"I better get going to bed." Caroline said.
"Right then Goodnight." Damon said.
"Goodnight." Caroline said.
Then Damon kissed her gently on her forehead and left. Meanwhile Katherine got a pillow and blanket for Stefan to sleep on the couch. Then she went into the bedroom and got ready for bed and then laid in bed and started to fall asleep. Then Damon got home and went to the bedroom and took everything off except his boxers and laid next to Katherine and went to bed.

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