Chapter Eight

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I wandered the halls for a good five minutes before I finally saw a familiar face.

" Alpha. I'm assuming you're ready to go to your office to start on your work?"

I looked at the bulky man and coughed to clear my throat. "Um... Well.. What work? I didn't know I was jumping into everything so suddenly" I said with a hint of panic in my voice. "Damien I know nothing about... pack life. I don't know how anything works." My voice was wavering, on the brink of a panic attack.

"Oh I'm sorry. Would it help if you met some of the pack members? Maybe it might ease your mind." He motioned with his head for me to follow him as he started walking through the maze he calls a house. I stood still, frozen to the floor in worry. Damien glanced back and saw that I hadn't budged. "Alpha Meyers. There is nothing to worry about. All we are doing is meeting some others so you know more people than just Ashton and I."

I reached up to touch the locket that Shane had given to me. It was the only other thing that I had accepted from him besides the coat and gloves. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I prepared myself for the whirl wind that was about to happen.

Later that day I was sitting in my office writing down all the people I had met. "Martha is the head cook, Marcus is my main guard until I can defend myself, David.... Beta, Third-in-command.... Jakob, and Mathew is my personal trainer" I muttered softly to myself.

"You know you need to be more conscious of when you talk to yourself." I looked up in surprise and took in a sharp breathe. "What? You're not happy to see me? Hmm. I thought we had something going" Ashton said with a smirk as he waltzed over to the couch and made himself at home. He looked around for a second before opening his big mouth again. "You know I could get used to this."

"What do you want, Youngblood?" I glared at him in annoyance.

"Well, Meyers, I'm just looking at what being mated to the Alpha will bring. All these books for me to read, not that I'm a nerd or anything."

"You won't be mated to the Alpha, because I won't let that happen. And you're welcome to read these books. It's not like I'll be using my them for anything really important anytime soon." As much as it hurts me to say this, I'm actually trying to be nice to him. It's better to have more people that don't hate you than people that despise you.

"That's very generous of you." He stood up and walked over to the many shelves of books. He pulled down a faded, brown leather book. "I think I'll take this one. See ya later, Addy" he said as he practically skipped over to the door.

As soon as Ashton closed the door I slammed my head into the desk and let out a groan.  I couldn't seem to get rid of him, he was starting to become a pest.

I picked my head up and pushed back the chair as I stood. Closing the notebook I was writing in, I let out a sigh. If I couldn't keep my mind off of everything myself, might as well go learn how to be a werewolf. I stumbled over to the door, high heels are a nightmare to walk in, and opened it slowly.

I peek my head out and look down the hall to see if anyone is coming. Nope. The coast is clear, but actually stepping into the hall was a whole different story. I tripped and banged my way over the obstacle. I hit my head on the wall and it started bleeding. Three people came out, two females and one male.

"Oh my gosh! Alpha are you okay? Did you hurt yourself badly? What can I do to help" the blonde haired girl spewed worriedly.

"Oh I'm fine. I've dealt with much worse. It's okay." My attempts to calm the girl down didn't work.

"We need to get you down to the infirmary right no-"

"Karen that's enough. She said she's fine. You need to stop worrying about everything." The chestnut haired girl said softly to the blonde. "I'm sorry about my sister. She can be a little.... dramatic at times. Why don't we go down to the infirmary just to get that cleaned up" she said turning to me and holding out her hand. I took it and she helped pull me to my feet. "I'm Michelle by the way."

"It's nice to meet you Michelle" I said as I smoothed out my dress. I looked at the blonde. "And it's nice to meet you too, Karen."

"I'm Trevor by the way." The boy had dark brown hair and soft chocolate eyes. As soon as I looked him in the eyes he glanced down. I'm not used to this authority position yet. People looking down when I make eye contact is just weird.

"Well it's nice to finally meet people my age" I said laughing, trying to lighten the mood. "Everyone here is either in their 20's or about to die."

Both Karen and Michelle giggled and looked at each other. "That's about right. It's so hard to find a mate. Being blonde isn't very easy."

Trevor looked at the girls and then at me. "If these two would stop worrying about mates, they would see that you're bleeding into your eye and that we should get you patched up."

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. I have to go meet my personal trainer."

"I'll take you there. Show you around a bit more" he said as he held out his hand for me. I took it and he helped me step over the boxes that I tripped over.

We made our way to the infirmary in silence. At the door he turned to me and said something that surprised me.

"I wasn't expecting the new Alpha to be so young and beautiful. I was expecting some older dude."

I laughed. "Well I agree about the young part, but not the beautiful part. I've never been an attractive person. Being homeless will do that to you. " Trevor just a stood there with his mouth slightly open. "You might want to close that before you catch any flies in it" I said joking with him.

"Well, uh, I'll get the doctor for you. He'll fix you up. Hold on" he said as he walked through the door and came back moments later with a middle aged man.

"Alpha! What happened? It's your first day in the job and you're already hurt. Come in and I'll stitch that gash." He led me through the maze of beds and and tables.

He sat me down on a chair and started working on my head. I looked up trying to find Trevor, but he was already long gone.


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately. It's been a while since I've had some time to actually write.

But anyways, what did you think of the chapter? I've been trying to make them longer. This one was about 1185 words!

Well I'll try to update as soon as possible.

(The picture at the top is the list that Addy made)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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