Chapter Five

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I bolted up, drenched in a cold sweat. I had just relived one of the worst moments in my life, and that's saying a lot.

Drawing in a faltering breath, I leaned forward and put my head in my clammy hands. Looking over, I saw some random person leaning against the doorway and just... watching. Eyebrows furrowed in a look of deep concentration, he seemed oblivious to the fact that I was aware that he was there.

As gracefully as I could, I slid off the edge of the bed and padded over in the direction of Mystery Man. Peering into his eyes, I noticed something very uncanny.

Mystery Man's eyes lacked any color whatsoever. No blue, green, brown, or even red. A black abyss is what I stared into intently.

"Hello?" I whispered trying to get any response. Oh, and what a response did I get! I was pushed against the wall roughly and my lips were tangled with Mystery Man's.

I struggled to get free, but failed as I was wedged tightly between the wall and this brown haired beauty.

With one swift kick to the jewels, he groaned and collapsed on the hard wood flooring.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" I screeched, appalled. "Who gave you the right to just barge in here without my permission!" E opened his moth to say something but I cut him off with "No! You don't get to say anything unless I let you, and I'm not done talking yet."

I reloaded the oxygen in my lungs for what was about to come. "I will let you say one thing before I scream and get Damien. That's it. One. Go ahead. I'm listening." I huffed.

The one thing he chose to say is what baffled me the most. "Mate. Mine." he growled with a vicious snarl.


Of course, as soon as I started to run I crumpled in a heap of goo on the floor. My stomach was lurching and my head was being split down the middle, while bounding footsteps that could have cracked pavement rushed at me like a freight train.

All I saw were a pair of boots and the dust bunnies under the bed. I made a somewhat coherent thought to remind myself to clean those up later.

"Get her outside, now! We have no time to waste. And that's an order." someone shouted above my head, just as I was being lifted up by strong arms.

"Try not to jostle her too much. It might speed things up even more, and we don't need that right now." Everything sounded muffled, as if I was underwater. A "go now" was spewed and then we were off.

That's the last thing I heard before blacking out from pain for the the second time in less than 24 hours.

Sorry this took soooooo long to be updated! I was having a MAJOR writers block! Even though this was only 484 words, I wanted to build up the deeper meaning of the Story.

Ill try to update as soon a possible!

Also, I have a big announcement! I'm having a content for someone to make me a new cover! If you want more info please DM me.

The winner of the contest will win a follow and a dedication o a chapter or two!

I can't wait to see what you guys make. Let the battles begin!

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