Go on and Kiss the Girl Kaoru!

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~There you see her

Sitting there across the way

She don't got a lot to say

But there's something about her~

Kaoru just didn't understand his attraction to this girl. He didn't know why the thought of her curly brown hair and blue eyes just captivated him. He just didn't get what drew him back to her so many times and why he thought about her all the time.

~And you don't know why

But you're dying to try

You wanna kiss the girl~

He couldn't exactly remember when he first saw her but he certainly did remember the first time he spoke with her alone. Let alone the first time he had the urge to pull her close and just kiss her.

*~* Flashback *~*

It was just days away from the summer finals and all the classes were hounding down on notes to study from. Kaoru had overheard a few days before that one of his classmates and a close friend had asked out their sempai, Tamaki Souh, only to learn that he was interested in someone else. One man's trash is another man's treasure he supposed...Hikaru asked her out afterwards and she said yes. Meaning that all the notes that Hikaru should be taking...well, he wasn't taking them. So Kaoru was paying extra attention in all their classes, thankfully they had all the same classes.

What caught his attention was when Hikaru was called to the teacher's desk along with a girl he couldn't recall seeing before. Sensei spoke with the two, the girl blushed a bit, Hikaru got a little upset [thankfully he could finally control some of his temper], and after Sensei let the two sit back down. Kaoru leaned over as if cheating to speak directly in Hikaru's ear. "What was that all about?" Hikaru growled, causing Kaoru to grin a little...his brother was kind of funny when angered. "Sensei ordered that I tutor this girl in Math since she basically sucks. And I have to do it every day for the next four days." Kaoru didn't particularly see what was so wrong with that, Haruhi would understand that Hikaru couldn't see her as much...so he supposed that it was something else. "And why is that so bad?" Hikaru turned to his twin, eyes piercing and clearly annoyed. "Tomorrow I'm supposed to be taking Haruhi to the movies and if I don't take her I'll lose my chance with her. And now I'm stuck tutoring some chick in math." Kaoru frowned...he didn't realize that Haruhi might take Hikaru not showing up as a bad thing. "Well, maybe I can help."

The next day after classes ended Noelle grabbed her math stuff. She was nervous about her tutor. The day before when sensei told him what he was doing he seemed really peeved at him. Noelle only hoped that he'd at least show up for a little while. She just couldn't understand this stuff. It was hard enough in the United States...now she has to learn it in Japanese; which is something she doesn't know very well to begin with.

Kaoru sighed after watching Hikaru ignore Sensei's orders. He should have known that his brother would forget about the tutoring thing when Haruhi was the other side of the scale. So Kaoru offered to tutor the girl himself, he needed something to do anyway considering his twin was going on a date and his parents were out for a few days getting some work out of the way for some quality time with them over the break. "Hikaru, you owe me." He had to go through over three dozen girls, most were customers of the Host Club, just to get into the main hallway so he could get to the second library where Sensei said that the girl was waiting.

Noelle finished her Japanese Lit. and her Chemistry while she waited for Hikaru Hitachiin to show up. At first she thought that she'd have Haruhi Fujioka as a tutor. She knew that the boy was the top of the class; mostly because he has to be in order to keep his scholarship, but he knew his stuff...she didn't even pay attention to the twins in her class. Okay, well that's a lie. She always watched them when she finished her work. Noelle had never seen twins before and it fascinated her that the first pair she meets are so identical; though she noticed that when they're alone one is blunt, short-tempered, rough, and arrogant, while the other is sweet, polite, calm, and not-so-arrogant.

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