Chapter 7

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Alices POV

"Do you know where the Blue Sun restaurant is?" he kept his eyes on the road "erm..yeah..on willow street, right?"

"Yeah thats the one, have you ever ate there?"  "yeah, Louis took me there once for lunch,it was good...are you a waitress there?"    "yeah ...." I trailed off kind of embarrassed "where do you work?" he finally broke his concentration on the road and looked at me"erm...I'm a body guard ..I guess.."

"really? for who?" he gave me a funny look" Louis....Tomlinson....he is a singer"  'WHAT! I didn't know you meant Louis TOMLINSON" he just laughed at my excitment.

We pulled into the Blue Sun it's a white building with suns painted blue all over it,it's nice I have one work friend,Grace she's really nice to me no one else really acknowledges the fact I exists except her and Matt. Harry ran over to my side and opened the car door, he put out his hand to assist me down  as soon as I got out Grace dashed out of the front doors as fast as she could I haven't been to work in three days I was feeling nauseous "ALICE" she wrapped me in a bear hug as tight as she could "I've missed you so much!" I giggled at her cheerfulness

she sized-up Harry and cocked her eye brow "who's your friend?" she said in the most flirtatious tone she could, Harry smiled at her "erm...hi im Harry im guessing your Alice's friend?" he shook her hand "yeah I love this girl to death, Im Grace" he flashed an awkward  smile "well it was nice to meet you Grace, but I kinda need to get going" I could tell he was lying to get out of Grace's awkward flirting.He kissed my fore-head and gave me quite "Bye,love" as he swiftly hoped into his Range Rover and pulled out of the Blue Sun parking lot.

Grace turned on her heels to face me with a dorky look on her face "he's cute" she squealed "yeah..I need to tell you something" she got the 'gossip' face "do tell" let's go inside first" "kay" she followed me with a kick in her step she's always so happy. I put on my apron and sat down no one was there yet. "okay so last night-" "DID YOU TWO-" "shhhh no! jeez, Owen came by....Harry told him to leave and things got nasty..."

her mouth made an"o" shape as she furrowed her eyebrows "who won" "Harry" she smirked "thought so, did you see those biceps?" I giggled . A woman with long black hair came in the front door "good morning" Grace peeped with a wide smile "hello" the woman was very quiet "I'll get you a table by the window" I smiled at her "thank you" she barely whispered so i never got to work out the details with Grace.


"Grace two cokes for the couple by the back door" "kay did you get that man his pasta?" 

I looked back him he looked frustrated I widened my eyes "oh no I forgot I'll go get it" I rushed to the kitchen "bout' time Alice that's been there for ten minutes" Matt laughed at my distress, he was head chef and my good friend

I playfully punched his arm "I know look at him" he peered out of the kitchen to see the frustrated man "haha he looks like he going explode better go fast" I giggled at his remark and rushed the dish to the man"I am so,so sorry sir" he looked relived "oh thank you may I have some water?please" 'yes of course"


"Alice it's closing time can you lock up?" Matt hollered from the back "yeah don't worry about it see ya tomorrow" " Bye Alice!" I walked out the door and it the freezing night hit me I zipped my jacket to the very top and dug my hands into the pockets two very bright head lights shone in my eyes 'hey gorgeous" a slow raspy-voice beckoned from across the way "Hi Harry"

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