The training

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I went through dark hallways and entered a big room with different stations were it said "Training Centre".
The other agents, most of them men, were already training hard. Some of them were fighting with each other and other ones practiced their shooting and reaction skills.
I didn't have a clue of what I was supposed to do.  Another man came to me.
"Yes sir?"
"Aah, you're the new member. We will help you develop to be a great agent"
"Thank you sir, I appreciate that". He gave me an encouraging.
I went to the shooting station with the pistol in my pocket. An agent who was called 009 showed his shooting skills for a judge. The targets were photos of their enemies. I think this was a way to get the agents motivated.
Now it was time for me. I had never used a pistol before so I didn't know how to use it. I was going to do my best.
"You may start" the judge said. I was turned away from the targets. Only three seconds left.

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