Mission or not

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M called me down to his office.
"Good morning S"
"Good morning M"
He looked at me.
"We recently got news about an organisation who's purpose is to take over the world and get control of the humanity. I think you know the leader of this organisation."
He showed me a picture of a blond man with corrosion damage in the mouth and a black eye.
"Yes I do remember him. He was the one who made sure to bomb my house when I was young" I said and laid the photo on his desk.
When I sat in front of M I got flashbacks from my childhood when I ran away from the armed men. I felt with my hand to see if the gun was still in my pocket.
"First of all I need to know if you're capable to do this mission and if you can be an agent in the field. Therefore I'm going to send you to Q where he is going to do some tests on you."
"Thank you sir" I left his office on my way to Q. He seemed to have his clinic in a hidden room in a cave under a bridge so I had to take the boat.
I walked into the cave and I had to take the lift down.
The man who was named Q sat with a computer probably doing some more DNA-tests on other agents or to find other criminals.
"Q?" He looked up from the computer.
"Good morning S! You know why you're here?"
"Yes! I spoke to M earlier" I answered.
I sat in a chair and he took a blood test and other tests which would show if I had any diseases, but everything was clear.
"It seems like you're capable to do your mission. I'll send the results to M."
I was on my way out when he stopped me.
"Wait! I just need to do one more thing."

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