"So I was thinking for this project we could um, maybe a power point about the effects of love. " I looked up at Kayin as he stared down at me.
It was Saturday, two days since we had been assigned this project, and here he was, sitting on my bed, in my room.
I could just die.
"Thats dope. You write ? " I blush, and nodded my head.
"Onika !" My mother calls for me. I hear a fit of coughing and quickly get up to assist her.
"Yes mother ?" She was still coughing when I walked in. I went to her and grabbed her water, rubbing her back. I paused a second before taking a deep breath and saying, "Mama, i think its back. "
"No baby-"
"Mama we have to go to the doctor to make-"
"No Onika, it cant be back. Im just sick. "
My eyes watered. "Mama..."
"I know baby. But the last time i had it, it drained all of our funds. I only have the money stored up so we can stay here and keep food in out stomachs. "
"Mama ill get a second job, ill quit school. "
"Hush your mouth. Very few people get accepted to Harvard on a full ride. Youre staying in school. "
My chest started to ache at the realization that my mother might not have long. We didn't have the money for Chemo treatments again, and she wasn't letting me help. This would be the fourth time the cancer has come back.
"I don't want you to leave me mama. " tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"We all have to go sometimes baby. I just wanted you to get my water. Now gone back in there with that cute boy and finish your project. "
I laughed threw the tears. "Mama !"
"I can predict the future child. I see chocolate grand babies." My whole face turned red.
"No babies mommy. But ill go finish my project. " i sniffed and wiped my face. "Love you. "
"Love you too. " i kissed her cheek and went back in my room to Kayin with my diary. His glasses were now on his face and he looked so intrigued in whatever entry he was reading.
"My bad, i thought it was just a random book at first. " He slowly put it down and looked at me.
80% of the entry i had were about him. Of course i never said his name but still. He was basically reading about himself.
"I-Its okay. "
I hurriedly grab it and slide it under my bed. "S-So like-"
"Who's he ?" I froze.
"Whose who ?"
"You know what im talking about Dirty Gal. "I wanted to roll my eyes at the stupid nickname he gave me.
"Hes unimportant. "
"I think hes actually perfect right now. Our project is on love is it not ?"
"I-I Dont...love him. " liar.
"Judging by these entries, its seems the opposite. Does he go to the school ?"
"Yes. "
"He play a sport ?"
"Yes. "
"Maybe i know him. "
"You dont. "
"Whats his name ?"
"Why is it so important ? Lets talk about your love life, how was Britney ?"
He laughs. "See...."
"Hmph, see. You dont wanna take and neither do I. "
"Fair enough. " we finally started the project and i became to research power couples and how their love together effects the world more, than if they weren't together. I ended up choosing Barack and Michelle Obama. Corretta and Martin Luther King, Will and Jada Smith, and Graça Machel and Nelson Mandela.
My jobs is to show their work as a couple vs as when they didnt know each other. Im doing the older couples in history. Kayins job was to find the newer couples.
Of course he choose Jay-Z and Beyonce, Lala and Carmelo Anthony, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade.
"Okay so when we regroup tomorrow, we should have info on at least one of our couples. " I said. He was texting but he nodded showing that he understood.
"Coo, its a date baby. "
I blush and turn my head so he doesn't see.
He kisses my forehead and head into my moms room. Im assuming hes saying by so i gather his belongings together and wait by the door for him. He descends down the stairs a few minutes later.
"See you tomorrow. " he takes it and hugs me again. When he lets go i surprised i can still stand.
"Bye. " i said.
"Bye Onika. " i watched him walk to his car and drive off safely before closing and locking my door.
FanfictionAcquiescence ac·qui·es·cence ˌakwēˈesəns/ noun the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.