Chapter 3

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(At School)

" Hey, harry". Niall  waved at him.

But harry was too occupied in other thoughts.

Thoughts about Zayn Malik .

"Hey, harry ! !" Niall yelled

"Huh? Oh ! Sorry about that I'm kind of spaced out today." harry explained.

"You look like it too." Niall commented

"Hey,Niall , have you completed your history notes ?" harry asked.

"Yup ! The teachers are hard on freshman's this year. No notes , no nothing but I managed ." Niall said.

"Can I borrow it for sometime ? I'm lacking speed" harry said.

"Sure. Hey do you know who came to talk to me this morning?" Niall  said, excitedly

"Uh-huh. Fill me in."harry said, bored.


"Why ?" Harry asked, not bothered.

"He wanted to know if any of ue were planning in joining the basketball team." Niall said.

"But none of us are in the basketball team." harry told him.

"You better take that back, there's one from this class"

"You?" harry asked, surprised

"Mmm-hmm ! Me ! ! ! " Niall exclaimed.

But  you don't even know how to play the damn sports !" harry corrected

"Liam  volunteered to teach me ! ! Cool, huh ?"

"I guess " harry said

"Hey at least be happy for me."  Niall said.

"What ? Do you like Liam " harry asked 

Niall blushed a little.

He's been my Idol since 7 grade. " Niall said

"How comes I never come to know about that ?' harry asked.

"You never asked me in the 1st place." Niall said.

harry wished for Zayn To come and ask him to join the basketball team too.

"Is Zayn Malik joining  the Basketball team too ?" harry asked, all of a sudden

"I don'I know. Why ? Interested ?" Niall asked in suspicious.

"What are you saying ? N-No of course not ! I don't give a damn about that guy!" harry yelled.

All of his classmates turned to stare at them.

"Guy ! Keep it down, will you ? It was just a question. No need to lash out for that" Niall said.

"S-Sorry.. I-I got freaked out… anyway lets go get lunch". harry muttered.



"Like I was saying, I'll be needing basketball shoes, and……. Hey, where's everyone rushing off to?" Niall asked.

"Don't know, don't care" harry muttered, shoving a spoonful of green peas in his mouth.

Niall tucked at a guy, who was leaving.

"Did something happen ? Why is everyone going ?" Niall asked.

"Zayn Malik's playing today. Nobody can miss that." the guy informed.

Niall jumped up to his feet, at once.

"If Zayn Malik's playing that means , LIAM PAYNE will be playing too! ! ! Hurry up, lets go harry !!" Niall said, rushing out with the other guys.

"Aw, man !! Niall, wait up!" harry said lazily.

He walked towards the gym in slow- motion

"Why is everyone so nuts about Zayn Malik. Everyone except Andy…… and….me" he thought



"Three points, yeah !! " Niall yelled, enthusiastically. harry sat on the upper bench. He spotted Zayn Malik  in his navy jersey no-13 .

He was dodging  the others with his high speed and scoring like hell.

"He's good". harry thought.

"Hey, curly." Andy said, taking a seat next to harry.

"Hey, how're you doing Andy ?" He asked.

"I'm doing great. So, who's playing against who?" Andy asked 

"The second-year against the third-year." Harry informed.

"Woah .. 60-10 ?? The second years are on fire." Andy said.

"Who cares !?" harry said yawning .

"I care. Hold my coat." Andy ordered.

"Hey , where are you going ? Andy , come back!" harry shouted.

But despite his  desparate yelling Andy turned a deaf ear to him as always .

Andy was in the court in no time. Everyone stared in silence. Harry hoped that Andy won't start a fight especially with Zayn Malik

"Andy , why the hell are you doing here?!" Liam yelled.

"Let me play too." Andy said calmly.

"Get the fuck out of my court before I punch you to bits !" Liam shouted.

"Come on, Liam. Don't be childish. Just a game that's all" Andy insisted.

"No way, I'm not letting you play on my team 1 You-"

"Relax ! We're both third years." Andy told him 

"Grab a jersey you have five seconds" Zayn ordered

"That's what I'm talking about" Andy said, running towards the benches, where the jerseys were kept

"But Zayn - " Liam started to say.

Zayn held up his hand.

 The game begans.

 harry was worried for Andy. 

Andy was scoring and the points were 60 - 50. but just as Andy  was about to shoot, Zayn snatched the ball and scored for himself.

"Way to go, Zayn". His team-mate cheered. 10 seconds was left, the score was 61 - 62 the second year were behind from 1- points. Zaynhad the ball and Andy was blocking him. harry hoped for the third year to win . Instead of shooting he pretented to pass the ball and when that distracted Andy, Zayn made a beautiful three-points shot. The game ended and the second- years won. That made harry somewhat satisfied. 

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