Runaway Raven

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Uh hi I'm raven, and I came to earth because I couldn't handle being the princess of my planet, Azarath. It is a big planet out side of the Milkyway Galaxy, where this planet is, we have superior technology then Earth, we also have much superior powers than anyone here.

I am 16 years old. We also have a percision of language it. So it'll be hard to talk like these...beings.

And also I'm the spawn of a Demon and a witch.

So I have the most powerful abilities the elders on my planet has ever seen, so I was destined to the thrown ever since I was born. It is my birth right.

Now not only to get away from the pressure of being a princess, but to challenge myself to see if I would be the proper outlet of royalty for my people.

So ya now ever since I've came to this planet that makes my stomach churn, I've been on the run with my mother ever since 8 weeks ago, 2 months ago.

So here I am in Odessa, Texas. Hiding myself for however long I can. And ever since I have been experience a craving to write down my inner most thoughts and put them to music. A song? Is what you humans call it I think.

We never had it on Azarath, it was never a use to us. And the instruments used in this blasted planet is so simple yet soothing.

A guitar, is what my mother Rachel got me she gets me a new instrument every time we move. The guitar when we came to Earth.

I began to strum my irritable, danty, fingers on the strings of the beautiful crafted device. And wrote down words as I went along.

A couple of hours passed of me looking out the window of my new living quarts or bedroom, and writing lyrics down on my notebooks I always kept.

The English language is so strange, to be honest it is the most complex,

(This song is A team by Ed Sheeran I'm just going to alter it a bit)

White lips, pale face

Breathing in snowflakes

Burnt lungs, sour taste

Light's gone days end, struggling to pay rent

Long night, strange men

And they say she's in the class A team, stuck in her day dream

Been this way since 13 but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, waisting crumbling like pastries

And they scream, the worst things in life come free to us, cause we're just under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams, and she don't wanna go outside, tonight and in a pipe she flies to the mother land.

And sells love to another man, it's too cold outside for angels to fly

Angles to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat, tried to swim, stay afloat. Dry house wet clothes.

Loose change bank notes wear-eyed dry throat.

Call girl, no phone

And they say I'm in the class A team

Such in my daydream

Been this way since 13, but lately but lately my face seems, slowly sinking wasting, crumbling like pastries

And they scream the worst things in life come free to us, cause we're just under the upper hand, and go mad for a couple grams

I don't wanna go outside tonight, and in a pipe we'll fly to the motherland, or sell love to another man.

It's too cold outside for angles to flies

An angle will die
Covered in white
Closed eyes
And hoping for a better life

This time, we'll fade out tonight, straight down the line,

And they say she's in the class A team, stuck in her daydream been this way since 13, but lately her face seems slowly sinking, wasting, crumbling like pastries

And they scream the worst things in life come free to us, cause we're all under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams, we don't wanna go outside tonight.

And in a pipe we fly yo the motherland, or sell love to another man.

It's too cold outside

~~~~For angles to fly,

Angels to fly.

Fly, fly

For angles to die~~~~~~~

I don't understand this thing called love, I know what the dictionary definition is, but the true meaning is completely irrelevant to me or my task here on Earth.

I smelt a very disgusting, and horrific aroma. I ignored it and thought it was just my imagination.

I only use my emotions when I sing or write, or read. I can't use my emotions they interact with my powers and they will go in other words I don't feel.

It's not hard and people are constantly asking me am I okay, what's wrong, you look sick, are you feeling well, are you tired, are you bored, etc,?

I'm okay, really.

And I also have an illness, it's an illness that only exists on my planet and is slightly used on this one...temporal dysplasia (used from ABC's Stitchers)

I can't tell an amount of time. I can tell time, of course, but that also helps with my hiding emotions, because I don't know what they are. It's part of Temporal Dysplasia. But you human may know it as Asperges. It's a firm of autism here. But not in my planet.

Sometimes I wish to be normal.

I heard clapping from my doorway.

"That was very good, you seem to be adapting to this lifestyle on Earth."

"I am, thank you, mother." I gave her a reassuring smile. Then went back to my expressionless face.

"Oh! I apologize for the intrusion."

"I accept your appology"

See that did I tell you percision of language

"Mother people do not talk like me do. And I have been told I have an Australian accent...what in bloody hell, is Australia!?"

She giggled at my ourburst.

"Raven dear, I will need you to go to the store and get us some technology to help us around here. It will feel much more like home that way, and will make us look like a more realistic family."

"Okay, thank you mother, I shall do my task"

She nodded in understandment.

When we got gere, the eldest on the planet made sure we got everything we needed. In chiding human money, here you have thin prices of paper. On Azarath we gave coins.

I don't understand a thing. So this should be interesting

All the characters in this story belong to NBC any others are my characters.

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