Chapter 1 - Leaving Mystic Falls

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Hi! So I wrote this about a year ago and I feel like this might not be that good. I've tried to read through it and fix the bad parts but please leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Also, this story is set during The Vampire Diaries season 4 and Teen Wolf season 3. And yes, I know that they occur during different seasons of the year but let's just pretend that they don't :) 

Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy!

xx Sofija

Hannah's POV

The forest was a little bit chilly, the wind blowing harder than I had anticipated it to. Fall had finally come to Mystic Falls, and as the leaves started to wither and fall so had my life. I was at a low point in my life and I could think of a single moment where I had felt any worse. Even when my parents had died I had still had something to cling onto, I had still had something. The difference between then and now was that I was that I was both miserable and alone. Sure, there were people there around me but none of them seemed that concerned about me. Not even the people I considered family.

Family. Just thinking the word made it hard to breath. Something I had taken for granted before my parents died, and then valued more than anything. Now I didn't have it anymore. I didn't have a brother and I didn't even know how much of my sister was left. They had been the only people left who truly cared about me. The only people who, apparently, would have noticed my slow demise. 

The haunting thoughts of my misery had been occupying my thoughts for a while, even before I lost everything. They were so loud and impossible to ignore, they were screaming. Nothing could silence them for long enough. I had nothing that made me feel relaxed or safe anymore. I didn't even have my own home. Had things happened slower I might have been able to not break down, but I wasn't sure about that either. Maybe I just wasn't cut out for this type of life.

All of these thoughts had finally led me to make a decision. As I had wandered the streets of Mystic Falls, acting as if I was holding things together, I had realized what I needed. The second the thought had hit me I had been convinced that this was it, this was what would make me heal. I needed to go back to normal, cut out all things supernatural in my life. That wouldn't be possible in Mystic Falls. 

This epiphany had been my solution but I wasn't obvious to the fact that it would come with problems of it's own. For one, I could only think of one person who would even let me move out of Mystic Falls at a time like this. Matt. Being the only other human in our group he actually encouraged me to leave. I didn't even need to ask my other friends to know that they didn't share that sentiment. Still, I had to tell them. I couldn't just leave in the middle of the night, even though that idea was very tempting. 

"Caroline, I have something to tell you", I sighed as I finally gathered enough courage to break the news. Even still, my hands were shaking slightly and I felt the need to start pacing back and forth in front of her. I didn't give in, but I put my hands in the pockets of my coat as a way to still them. It kind of worked, but not really. 

By the look on Caroline's face she was worried about what I would say. I wasn't that surprised, to be honest. We were in the middle of a crisis and the next words coming out of my mouth could mean all types of danger. That realization made me think that she might take the news better since they didn't mean chaos. 

"What is it?", she wondered, keeping her eyes focused on me. I was certain now that she wouldn't freak. How could she when she had so much else to worry about? So many things that were way worse than me moving! 

"I know that you probably won't like this, but please don't fight me on this. I've decided that I'm moving away from Mystic Falls for a while. I don't know how long but I can't stay here", I explained calmly and it wasn't until I had stopped talking that I saw how wrong I had been. Caroline's face was covered in shock, confusion, worry and slight anger. It was that last part that prepared me for her blow up. Although, there wasn't many ways I could prepare. 

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