Chapter 18 - And So It Ends

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Hannah's POV

"You can't stay here. If Kali is on her way, you need to leave." There was no point in trying to put it nicely. Derek, Cora, Peter and I were all sitting at Derek's loft while trying to figure out what to do since Derek had given up his powers. I might have realized what it actually meant that Derek wasn't an alpha anymore and well, I couldn't exactly say it was good. 

Something I had not thought of before was about how much weaker Derek would become as he lost his alpha powers. Not that I had any deeper knowledge of the fact and if I was honest, I hadn't thought there would be such a huge difference. I had been wrong. I was a big enough person to admit that to myself, but I wasn't going to mention it with Peter in the room.  

"She's right and you know it. The alpha's will kill you if they find you here", Cora said from her place on the sofa. Even though she had previously said that she felt like herself again I had a hard time believing her. Even if she hadn't been leaning so deeply into the sofa, I wouldn't have thought that she suddenly would have felt all energized again. It wasn't as if I was going to bring it up, though. Whatever reason she had for trying to hide it, was her business. 

"No matter how much I hate to say, I also have to agree. She hasn't exactly acted that smart but this is an exception", Peter agreed. His sly insult made me want to roll my eyes, but I would let it slide this once. I didn't have the time to focus on petty arguing. For every minute that passed, Kali got closer. 

"So, you are just going to decide-" Before Derek could finish his sentence he was interrupted by the door sliding open. The fact that we hadn't locked the door made me groan, and we were only lucky that the person stepping inside didn't turn out to want us any harm. 

"We need to talk", Lydia spoke in a rushed tone as she stepped into the loft, her eyes falling upon all of us. Next to her stood Ethan. I couldn't say I was happy about seeing him there, not even slightly. Still, I knew that I couldn't leave just because he was there. I needed to focus on the situation at hand, not my emotions. 

"About what?", I wondered as I straightened in my seat. My words made Lydia and Ethan look at each other, as if trying to determine who should talk. As I sighed at the dramatic pause that had built up, they quickly decided. 

"They're coming, Kali and my brother. Derek, if you want to survive you have to run." My first reaction was to look at Derek. Maybe our words hadn't persuaded Derek, but I couldn't imagine him taking a warning from Ethan lightly. If even one of the bad guys were worried about you, it might've been time to listen. 

"There's a lunar eclipse, they won't have their powers", Derek stated, speaking as if he wasn't bothered in the least about the situation. I didn't know whether to admire his level-headness or be bothered by it. Just because the alphas wouldn't have their powers, didn't make it safe. I knew that Derek wanted to act as if nothing could hurt him. He had proven to me though that, that wasn't exactly true. He wasn't invincible, no matter how much he wished that he was. 

"We know about the lunar eclipse. So don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her", Ethan argued. I had already tried to argue the same points earlier, I just hoped that Derek would listen this time. 

"Good enough for me. Derek?", Peter asked Derek and I turned to the man in question. Derek didn't seem to like the idea yet. However, that would change. I knew that he would have to see that we were right.

"You want me to run?", Derek wondered sourly. It wasn't like I expected anything except sourness from him. He was a fighter, of course he was. Still, I just felt like something terrible would happen if he stayed. It was like an obvious fact. 

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