chapter 9

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Camyrn then went after her to stop her so then they could find out what was going.

"I hope nothing will come out of that..." Cherry sighed a little.

But when they both got out of the store, Camyrn grabbed Alex's hand and suddenly everything began to move slowly. Something strange happened between the twins that was going to be very important.

The four adventurers came out to catch up with them, but stopped as Alex and Camryn stopped. Camyrn was just excited while Alex was extremely uncomfortable about the twin sister revelation. The twins dropped their hands which made everything speed up, but it also made the modeling dummy's clothes fall off and leave them in undergarments.

"Okay, now that was weird." Camryn admitted.

The two then looked back to each other, wondering what had just happened.

"Well, at least nothing bad happened." Patch said.

There was suddenly glowing in Mo and Cherry's pockets.

"What was that?" Alex asked them.

"Nothing?" Mo, Cherry, Patch, and Atticus said together, rather quickly.

"Okay, that time, that dog definitely said something!" Camryn pointed to Patch in accusatory.

"Okay, our medallions have never suddenly glowed all of a sudden." Patch whispered to Atticus.

"That wasn't the medallions..." Mo whispered, having heard that.

Patch looked to her. Camryn and Alex firmly looked to the four of them and still wanted answers. The woman who gave Alex her job wanted to speak with the twins and the four visitors wandered off, but not too far away so they could keep track of Camryn and Alex. Mo and Cherry took out the crystal balls that Drell gave them and they were glowing a little.

"What the? Okay, it must be Drell, he probably wants to speak with us." Patch whispered.

"Probably..." Cherry suggested.

They backed up into an alley as people passed.

Cherry and Mo clicked the buttons on the crystal balls. Suddenly two pairs of hands came out of the balls, making the girls drop them, but luckily, not crack them and Drell and Skippy both crawled out, helping the other out.

"OI!" Drell grunted, rubbing the back of his neck. "500 years without doing that can give you such a crick in the neck!"

"Drell, Skippy, what are you two doing here?" Atticus asked.

"We saw the twins use one of their powers," Skippy informed as he carried his pipe. "It happened after they joined hands."

"You couldn't just text us about that or something?" Cherry asked.

"What is this 'text' you speak of?" Drell looked at her like she was crazy.

"You know..." Cherry took out her iPhone that Forte had given her.

"What in the world is that!?" Drell grabbed Skippy for protection.

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Skippy added, rather cowardly.

"Seriously?" Atticus asked. "Neither of you know what human technology is or even what it looks like?"

"And I thought you were the most powerful man in the universe..." Mo folded her arms at Drell.

"Hey, I see a lot of things, I can't keep track of every little thing," Drell said, and then gestured to his clothes that looked like they belonged in Elizabethan times. "Just look at what I'm wearing!"

Skippy nervously came up to the phone and tapped it with his pipe and let out a breath of relief that it didn't attack.

"So, what is that thing?" Drell asked.

"It's an iPhone..." Cherry glanced at him.

"Oh..." Drell sounded familiar now. "That's what Penelope's been bugging me to get for her birthday!"

"Well then, now you know what an iPhone is." Patch said.

"Buy her one of those?" Drell laughed. "You're kiddin', right? I'm a warlock, we use Netherworld credits! Besides, if I did, I'd be the one payin' the bills!"

They then looked to the center of the alley as Alex and Camryn were talking with the woman, seeming to be trouble brewing.

"I cannot believe you'd think I'd steal this," Camyrn said to the woman, giving her several twenty dollar bills. "It's not even that cute, though it does fit me like a glove."

"And just so we're clear," the woman then looked to Alex. "You're fired."

The twin witches then walked down the street together, Camyrn wanted to believe they were twin sisters.

"They don't know?" Drell asked his helpers.

"We didn't think we'd be allowed to tell..." Atticus shrugged.

"Of course you are, just don't let the twins' guardians see you tell them." Skippy said.

The four then nodded in agreement with that.

"And no backsass," Drell threatened Cherry. "I'm serious, I will turn you into a mouse and I will eat you, Atticus's strength or not."

"Does he really eat mice?" Cherry asked.

Skippy nodded gravely. "The reason why I started to collect pet mortals."

"Wow, so that's the reason." Patch said.

Skippy smiled innocently and nodded. "Drell wouldn't eat a mortal."

"I just love to make 'em suffer," Drell chuckled darkly. "I'd never kill them, but I just like to make them squirm."

"That's good to know." Atticus said.

"We better get back to the girls." Mo said.

"Yeah... Make sure they stay out of trouble, whenever you're ready, tell them who they are, but not around their guardians." Drell reminded them.

"Yes, sir." the four replied.

"Right..." Drell nodded. "Okay, Skippy, you go first, ladies first."

Skippy gawked at him in offense, but rolled his eyes and went back into one crystal ball first. Patch then raced off, not wanting to lose the girls. Atticus had his pet owner instinct and followed after Patch then.

Drell then went to take his turn. "By the way, get ready to meet an old enemy..." he put his hand on Cherry's shoulder. "It was really nice knowing you, kid."

"Wait, what...?" Cherry looked at him.

Drell then went inside the crystal ball next. Both crystal balls glowed briefly, but then instantly powered down.

"Should we be worried?" Mo asked.

"I dunno about you, but I am." Cherry looked at her.

"We better go keep up with the guys." Mo said.

"Come on then!" Cherry said, already dashing ahead.

Mo glanced to her, but kept up, trying to make sure her crystal ball wouldn't fly out of her pocket.

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