8. Serious football

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I had practised football every day this week plus Saturday and Sunday last week. It was just so much fun, as well as you learned pretty much stuff about tactics and how to kick the ball. And I am sure I have lost a few tons fat. Football was something I used to watch boys do, and now I can do it too. I think this is one of the best things that have ever happened to me.

"Julie," Erik said.
"You've turned out to be a really good football player." His eyebrows were lifted while he talked.

"Jup, I know Erik, it must be my genes. My father was one of the country's best players." I looked out on the horizon while I blinked really fast, like a cute little girl. (I imagined)

"What? That's crazy!"

"Seriously Erik, seriously. You belived that?" Oh god, Hannah wasn't thinking through while she picked herself the one. Her ever lasting boyfriend.

"So Erik , is there any chance I could join your team or something. "
I know he can't say if I can or not, but I was acctually trying to let him ask the coach for me.

"I don't know, i can ask my coach tomorrow." Yeah! Hopefully the coach says yes.

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