Chapter 1

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"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" Grace says.

Grace is my roommate over at UCLA. And also my best friend.

"I'm sorry I can't go to Caleb's party. I've got to apply to work at Applebee's" I say.

"Fuck Applebee's. Let's actually have some fun!" She says.

This is probably why Grace is the stupidest girl at our school. She stays up all night partying.

"No Grace. OMG why don't you just stay in and study for our exams." I say

"Who do you think I am, you?" She says applying make-up to her flawless face.

Oh I forgot to tell you this. Grace is pretty much a slut and has sex with three different guys every time she goes out partying. She has been doing it since we first came here and didn't stop when she had a pregnancy scare.

"You've got ten minutes to decide if you want to come or not" She says taking off her clothes and putting on one of my dresses.

I looked at the time and it reads 8:30. I had to be at Applebee's in 15 minutes.

"I'll go to Applebee's instead. You go to the party and have fun and what not" I say grabbing my purse and leaving.

I walk out of the dormitories and start to Applebee's. 

Its pretty dark outside so I use my flashlight on my phone to see where I'm going.

I pass the house party where Grace is going to go and see them drinking and smoking joints.

As I'm about to cross the street a car pulls up to me.

Its an all black Cadillac blasting "Fuck up some commas" by Future.
I stand there waiting for someone to roll down their window or do something until after just standing there they roll down a window.

There are four guys. Four guys who I've known since I was in 6th grade. Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis. All too familiar faces.

Niall's window is the one that's down.

"Hey do you need a ride or something?" He asks politely.

"No I'm good actually. I'm going to Applebee's. Its right up there" I say pointing.

"Are you sure because it's dangerous out here" Harry says leaning over Niall to see me.

I start laughing because they actually think someone's going to do something to me when Applebee's is two minutes away.

"Alright so here's the thing, Jason is trying to take some girls that he finds to his place and do something whatever he wants to do with them."

I crack up at this. Four guys who I haven't talked to in a year is warning me about some creep named Jason. Who I don't even know.

"So is that all?" I ask smiling at Louis at the back seat.

" Yeah pretty much" Niall says.

"Do you even know my name?" I ask.

"Of course Harry talks about you all the time. Karsyn, isn't it?" Niall answers.

Why would Harry talk about me all the time? He doesn't even know me.

"Yeah" I say. With that said I turn and head to Applebee's.

Their car is still riding right beside me. I actually want them to be there because I'm kinda afraid of this Jason guy.

Then it hit me. Jason is Grace's ex boyfriend whom she dated for three days. She dumped him after finding out he was sleeping with other people. Kind of like how she is now.

I'm up at Applebee's and they still haven't left.

"You guys can leave now" I say waving.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks.

"Yeah go back to the dorms I'm fine" I say regretting every word.

I wait until they pull out and go back. As I walk into the restaurant three guys are surrounding me. One I know is Jason and he's smiling like a maniac. The other two are his friends; Eric and Andrew.

"Can you move?" I ask with my voice shaking.

I look around the restaurant. No one is there. He sees me looking for people.

"Haha early closing today" He says.

He comes closer to me. So close I can smell his beer.

He reaches his hand out and wraps it on my throat and puts the other over my mouth.

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