Wild - Aoiha

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"Why can't you just tell me where we're going?" Uruha whined, tugging on Aoi's arms. Aoi kept his eyes locked with the road ahead, one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with his lovers'.

They followed the road that continued on though the forest, huge pine trees concealing everything hidden behind them under the cloudy skies. The only thing to be seen was the curving road ahead and the soft mist in which they were headed.

"You'll see soon," Aoi smiled, rubbing his thumb across the back of Uruha's hand. He loves surprises, he really did. The pure nature of not knowing what lies ahead was so enigmatic, it never ceased to excite him. But a small part of him still desired to know the truth as to where Aoi was taking him. He let out a small sigh of defeat and slumped back in his seat, letting himself get lost in thought as his eyes absentmindedly stared out to the pine trees just outside his window.

Eager to know what lied ahead, he was still content that the element of surprise remained intact. As much as he loved surprises, he wouldn't really want to find out for himself and, therefore, ruining the surprise factor. Part of him was glad that Aoi kept refusing to tell him. It was just more enlivening that way, it was thrilling to him.

A few minutes of silence passed, and just as Uruha was about to ask again, Aoi followed the road turning left, which led them to a small lake. Uruha assumed it was secluded, that nobody really knew about this place, judging from the fact of how long it took them to drive all the way down here, and because there seemed to be no trace of human activity anywhere. No litter, no fishing rods, no other cars. Nothing. It was just the two of them, alone.

Ice capped mountains could be seen from the distance across the water. The massive pine trees lined the perimeter of the lake, hiding it from sight if you were on the road. Uruha noted was probably the reason not many people went here. The eerie yet calming mist laid just above the body of water far beyond the lake. The scenery was completely and utterly beautiful.

"We're here," Aoi squeezed Uruha's hand, whose eyes never tore themselves away from the beauty that stood right before them, before putting the car in park and turning it off.

"Aoi..." he whispered with disbelief. He opened the car door and jumped out, his boots hitting the small rocks and gravel beneath his feet. The chilled air instantly hit his face, turning his cheeks into a rosy pink as he hugged his arms for warmth against the winter weather. Aoi met up with him on the other side of the car.

"You like it?" he asked, already completely aware of the answer as Uruha's reactions made it quite obvious. "I used to come here all the time. No one really knows about this place, and I thought it was time to share it with someone I love," he smiled, taking Uruha's hand in his.

"Aoi... I love it," he replied. He threw his arms around Aoi's neck, enveloping them both in warmth. Their lips connected, an exciting combination of euphoria and passion.

"I'm glad," Aoi smiled as he broke the kiss, untangling himself from his lovers' warm embrace. He headed towards the back of his car and pulled out a massive blanket from the trunk and spread it out on the hard gravel right beside the water. "Come sit," he said, patting the empty spot next to him as he got himself situated upon the blanket. Uruha happily obliged, and took a spot next to his content lover. He leaned against him to create warmth through this icy weather.

Aoi pulled out a thermos full of hot chocolate and began to pour it in the convenient cup that came along with it for Uruha. "I can't believe you did this," Uruha smiled, taking the cup of piping hot chocolate that Aoi had offered.

"Anything to make you happy," Aoi replied. He stared out to the body of water that laid before them before speaking once more. "We never really get to do things like this, you know? We never have alone time. We can never be ourselves in public, especially not where we live. It just...wouldn't be safe," his words faded near the end of his sentence.

Uruha slowly nodded in agreement. "They wouldn't accept us. It's like we don't belong there," he replied, a hint of sadness heard in his words.

Aoi looked at Uruha with sad eyes, unable to believe what he just said. He's never thought of it that way, as not belonging. But hearing his lover announce it was something that tore at his heart. "But you know what," he went on. Uruha looked at him curiously. "I would travel a thousand miles to be alone with you. I'd climb the highest mountains and sail through the roughest seas if it meant I could be with you. If this is the only way we can be together, by keeping us a secret, I'm willing to go through with it. Those people, the things they have to say about people like us, shouldn't have to matter. Uruha," he continued, his hand cupping Uruha's cheek, "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. And this, what we have, is amazing. And even with our lives like this, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Uruha's face softened at those words, a small smile appearing on his face.

"And you do belong, Uruha, with me," Aoi continued.

Tears threatened to spill from Uruha's eyes as he wrapped his arms around his neck, embracing him for a hard kiss. "Aoi... I love you so much," he spoke between kisses.

"As long as we're together, nothing else matters," Aoi continued. Uruha smiled contently and continued to leave small kisses throughout his lovers face, too overwhelmed with emotion to even speak. He rested his head on the crook of Aoi's neck, gazing at the beautiful view of the mountains and the lake that they had the pleasure to witness. He was lucky, god he was so lucky to be with someone as amazing as Aoi was. He sighed happily and closed his eyes. What he had was perfect, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Authors Note: HOORAY FOR MY FIRST ONE SHOT WOO I'm kind of proud with this one... comment your opinions below! xx I also tried to add a picture so you could get an idea of what the scenery looked like but wattpad wont let me use the picture ugh

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