Daddy - Reituki

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         Ruki's POV

           I sat on my bed with my laptop, my tired eyes scanning the screen as I mindlessly scrolled down the page, my brain too tired to process any of the words before me. I was exhausted, and right now I wanted nothing more than for Reita to come home from his business trip, to feel my skin wrapped in the warmth of his while I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as if it was the sweetest lullaby.

          Reita was gone for a few days now, about an entire week. We had no way of communicating, seeing that his boss wanted him to be completely isolated from any distractions. As much of a hard worker as Reita was, I'd highly doubt that he'd get distracted by anything, so this whole concept seemed pretty unreasonable to me.

          I remember how he said goodbye to me on the day he had to leave. We spent the entire night on the couch wrapped up in each other, holding me tightly against him as our eyes were glued to the TV screen. Our hands intertwined with one another's as occasional kisses were shared along with words of humorous insults directed towards the terrible movie we decided to watch. And eventually one thing led to another...

          I rubbed my eyes, exhaustion taking over me. I was tired, but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep without Reita. So I stayed up, my eyes burning as they continued to stare at the laptop screen.

         A few minutes passed before I heard the very sound that made my heart leap with joy. The jingling of keys against the doorknob. He's home, I thought, a smile immediately forming on my face. I shut my laptop and set it aside, jumped out of bed and ran to the front door. In my sloppy hair, giant t shirt and boxers, my eyes met the ones of my boyfriend's.

          "Hey babe- whoa!" Reita shouted as I ran full speed towards him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my face in his neck, the whole process almost knocking him over and causing him to drop his bag. Reita's hand found my lower back to support me. "Did you miss me that much?" he chuckled, bringing his arms around me for a warm embrace. His hold on me was tight and god it felt so great, being able to touch him again, feeling his warm skin against mine and holding him against me had my heart racing with excitement. Not a word came from my lips, but instead I nodded my head against his neck.

          A small chuckle came from him once more before he placed numerous kisses on my cheek. "Okay, you're gonna need to let go now," he said, dropping his arms and having them dangle at his sides. But I stayed as I was, clinging to Reita and refusing to release his grasp, soaking in his warmth and touch that I craved so much within the past few lonely days. "Ruki, come on," he said, bouncing up and down to try to shake me off of him, but I wouldn't budge. "Alright," he sighed. "If that's how you want to be."

          Reita walked towards the kitchen, grabbed a drink from the fridge and proceeded to drink it, completely ignoring the fact that I was still clinging to him. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes at me, but needless to say I didn't mind. I missed him, and I wasn't ready to let go any time soon. He set down his drink and walked into the bedroom, stopping in front of a full body mirror to see me still holding him tightly. An audible sigh escaped his lips. "Alright, get off me," he said, shoving his hands into the tight space between us and proceeding to push me off him, but I just held on even tighter. A sigh of defeat left his lips after he failed to push me off of him. "You can't just hold on to me forever, you know?" A chuckle emitted from him.

          "I can try," I mumbled.

          He walked over to the bed we shared and sat upon it, his back resting against the headboard. I was now sitting on his lap, and finally had uncovered my face from his neck only to let my lips wander around his face as I left kisses in every place I could. Reita chuckled at my actions, the rapid kisses tickling him a little, and his hands found my face and held me still, putting me to a halt. "I really missed you," I sighed. I stared into his eyes, his eyes that bore into mine with the same love I had for him.

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