The muffin man?

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I know that Dr. Green doesn't normally curse but I think that if he were in a stress full enough situation he probably would. and i attempted to be at least a little funny but i probably failed miserably so don't judge.


Sang's POV

" Doc what the fuck do you mean her throats burnt?" Gabriel? Why was Gabriel in my room?

" It means her throats burnt. The witch must have made her drink something."  I recognize the voice but I cant place it to a face.

My room smelt weird, like Cypress and leather. Why does my room smell like this? I try to open my eyes but they feel heavy and the best I can do is flutter them. my back feels awful and my throat is dry. I wonder if the slashes will scar to bad, I hope not because I want to eventually swim again and I will probably get weird looks with scars all across my back.

" Well hello there beautiful! nice to see you up." Who is that? I start opening  my eyes again and see Dr. Green hovering over me smiling slightly. I look around and quickly realize this is not my room. There's karate posters on the walls and  the blankets are wrong. I could feel bandages wrapped around my chest, back and arms. I start to panic when I don't recognize where I am, my breathing gets shallow and my eyes widen and look back to Dr. Green and Gabriel.

" Hey calm down there sweetie, your ok. Nobody's gonna hurt you I promise your safe. Your at Nathan Griffins house. Just down the street from your house." Nathan's house? why am I over here.

" Why?" I try to ask but it comes out no more than a whisper. The cuts on my back start to throb and I cry out silently and arch off the bed."

"Gabriel go get more bandages on the Kitchen table and grab some more of the antiseptic." he says in a ordering tone. His normally flirty eyes are serious and I find that I don't like this look on him very much. Gabriel looks at me quickly with worried eyes and  walks out of the door. I try to sit up but I end up gasping in pain because it pulls on the loose skin of the cuts. Dr. Green carefully touches my shoulder and gently pushes me back down.

" You shouldn't sit up just yet pumpkin you'll  aggravate the cuts and make them bleed again."

" Why am I here?" I whisper

" Well Kota went asking for you, your mom got mad, and apparently looked pretty scary, yelled at him to go away,  he of course didn't listen and when she and your sister left he knocked and when you didn't answer he opened the door to look for you and he found looking like you decided to play a game of football with a knife."

" That's not funny Dr. Green." I looked at where the voice came from and saw Kota standing stiffly in the doorway. Gabriel pushed past him and gave Dr. Green the medical supplies that he asked for.

Dr. Green looked at him and Shouted " I know its not funny Kota but what am I suppose to say? " sorry your moms a grade-a- bitch. Oh and sorry that she decided to shove you through a paper shredder." No? Didn't think so."

My eyes started watering remembering what she did to me and that Marie didn't try to help me. I looked away from the two and wiped angrily at the tears that were trying to fall. I didn't know what I did to them to make them hate me so much.

" I'm sorry for causing trouble." I whispered cautiously.

" what did you say?" they asked at the same time.

" I'm sorry" I said again, unable to look them in the eye. Fingers touched my chin and turned me to where I was looking into Dr. Greens eyes.
" You have nothing to be sorry about, your mother however does." He said with authority.

" Sang please don't be sorry I shouldn't have yelled. I should have just gone in when your mom didn't let me see you. I'm sorry I let this happen" Kota said his voice cracking in the end. Him and Dr. Green shared a look and Dr. Green left the room Gabriel in tow.

" Kota this is not your fault. please don't blame yourself. You didn't do this to me she did, you didn't know what was happening."

" But I was there! I could have stopped her from cutting you!" he said with tears in his eyes. I winced at the mention of the cuts but shook my head at him.
" Did you cut me?" I asked trying to prove a point.

" What no! why would you say that?" he said with panic and hurt in his eyes. He started walking towards me and stopped at the side of the bed.

" You didn't cut me, you didn't hurt me, and from what Dr. Green said you were the one that called him and took me out of there." I told him looking him straight in the eye.

He visibly shuddered and softly ran his fingers down my cheek. I winced when he caught the bruise on my cheek and he pulled his hand back quickly.

" Alright Sang ready to switch the bandages?" Dr. Green said coming back into the room. I winced and tried sitting up again.

" No, you don't need to sit up just yet. We'll start with the cuts on your arm."

" I need to get all the glass out." I said

" I got all the pieces out while you were  sleeping." he told me. I must have looked at him weird because he chuckled quietly. he got to work on the bandages around my arms. at one point I  he told me I needed to be distracted for cleaning  the bandages and cuts around my chest and back.

" With what?" I asked looking around the room.

" You'll see. Silas!" he shouted.

" did you need something?" Silas said when he got into the room. He looked at me and started walking cautiously across the room to us.

" tell a joke." Dr. Green said.

" A joke?" Silas asked looking back at me confused.
" Yup"  
Silas looked at me confuse and I half shrugged. His face suddenly turned overly serious and it scared me.

" Do you know the muffin man?" He asked turning to Dr. Green.

" The muffin man?" Dr. Green asked back

" The muffin man." He said looking grim. They both turned to me looking serious.

" Do you know the muffin man?" they asked in unison. I started giggling silently at the oddness of the question and how serious they seemed. My giggles quickly turned to a gasp then a hiss as Dr. Green poured the antiseptic down my back. Silas looked really pained and quickly grabbed my hand when I bent my head to my chest.

" I'm sorry Sang it had to be done to clean the wounds." Dr. Green said looking sad.

" Its fine it just stung a bit that's all."

" You are very strong aggle mou." Silas said. I smiled at him weakly. He left the room and Dr. Green helped me get a different shirt on. A weird thought stuck me and made me curious as to why Silas was here. I tapped Dr. Greens arm and asked my question.
" If we're at Nathans house, how come Kota, Gabriel and Silas are here?"

" All the boys were really worried about you so they dropped what they were doing and came to check on you."

" All of them?" I gasped

" Yes you seem to have caught all of their attention Miss. Sorenson." A new voice said.
I looked to where the voice came from and saw the most perfect man I had ever laid eyes on. He wore a grey suit and dress shoes, and glasses the same style as Kota's, he had striking grey eyes and had a soft brown colored hair cut short and brushed back away from his face. the look of him made me want to go get ready in clothes that actually fit. I sat up straighter and bit back a his as one of the bandages caught a cut.

" Miss. Sorenson, you may call me Mr. Blackburne I am also a teacher at your school and a friend of the boys."

I didn't know what to say so I just gave him a nod, letting him know I heard him speak. He nodded back and went back into the hall. Dr. Green chuckled and squeezed my arm.

" He can be a bit intimidating at first but once you get to know him hes a great guy."  he said. I turned and smiled at him.

" do you think I could get up and walk around for a bit?" i asked wanting to stretch my legs.
" If your feeling up to it i guess you could. Just no bear hugging the boys." He said giving me a smirk and helping me out of bed. I started giggling.

" Hey now no giggling!" he said mock serious which made me giggle harder.

" What am i going to do with you?  Are you mocking me?" he said smacking his forehead with his palm looking exasperated.  We started down the hallway which had pictures of helicopters. the hallway led out to A living room that held all the boys. Silas, North, and Nathan sat at one couch. Mr. Blackburne sat at a recliner, Kota sat at the other. Victor, Luke, and Gabriel were all sprawled out on the floor, they were all watching the news. North was the first to spot me.
" Come sit over here Sang baby." he said softly. Silas moved over and patted the space in between the two of them. I blushed when all of their eyes turned to me, slowly I walked over to North and Silas and sat down. everybody turned back to the tv. About a half hour later i felt North stick his arms around my shoulders and carefully bring me closer to him, I ended up resting my head on his shoulder and listening to his steadily beating heart.

  I must have drifted off because i woke up the boys were talking about who would stay with me. They ended up deciding that Nathan, Silas, North, and Luke would stay because everyone else had to get home, there were a few grumbles but they all agreed. After it was settled North picked me up carefully minding the cuts on my back. And carried me back to the room I was in before. he set me down and i started to stir.

" Shhh.  Baby your fine, your fine. Go back to sleep." he cooed and stroked my hair away from my face. i closed my eyes and  he left a few seconds later.

 I heard Luke and Nathan whispering by the door and then heard them agree on who was taking a shower first. A few minutes later I felt the bed dip on the side and smelled vanilla, I rolled over into the middle mumbling a goodnight.

" Night cupcake sleep well." Luke said. A second later i felt him press a kiss to my brow and turn around. I was woken up by Nathan getting into the bed on the other side of me.

" G'night Nathan"   I mumbled.

"Night Sang"

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