Big Mouth

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Sang's POV

I am completely and utterly embarassed. I cant believe that I just blurted it out like that. I have know for a couple of days that I fell for all of them. I fell hard.

But I was confused. I didnt think it was normal, I didnt understand it. But I googled it and found out about poly-relationships. Its where your dating more than one person and everyone is ok with it.

At first I kept thinking it was never going to work that there would be jelousy issues and such. But the more I kept thinking and running through possibilities, the more I wanted it. All my boys under one roof, all of us love each other.

I think a few boys will have a problem with it but will get over it.

But I just blurted it out like that. I mean come on!

I was going to run it through Mr. Blackbuorne, have him verify it or tell me if it was a good idea. But no! I just had to blurt it out like that.

"Baby." North Whispers bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Look at me."

I do and he's looking at me heated. I lick my chapped lips and the motion seems to attract his attention.

"I love you baby." I look into his eyes and see truth there.

"North." I whisper.

"Love you." He mumbles. His eyes trained on my lips.

He looks into my eyes slowly and leans down to kiss me. At first its just a brush of his lips against mine. He does this over and over until I eventually lean up on my tip toes and press my lips to his. He starts off slow and sensual, then eventually starts nipping and sucking on my bottom lip.

He grabs my waist and pushes us together trying to get me immposibly closer. We are pressed together in everyway it seems possible. My front glued to his.

He pulls back and breathes out for a second.

"You'ver really never been kissed." I blush and look up at him. He smiles sweetly telling me he's kidding and gives me a sweet kiss on the coner of my mouth.

I keep thinking that this could have gone incredibly wrong. He could have pulled away. He could have been horrified. But he wasnt. He loves me. Me! Sangrida Sorenson.

Now im walking down the hall with a extatic North, and praying that he doesnt just blurt it out. I blush when we get to the living room and every conversation stops that is currently going on in the roomm.

"What is it?" Kota says pushing up his glasses. I look at North and he just smiles and looks at me.

"Why the fuck are you smiling?" Gabriel shouts. I blush more and try to turn around and leave.

"Shut up Gabe! Your being annoying lately." And there goes the happy go lucky North.

"Oh shit that was close!" Gabriel pants with a hand to his chest. He's looking at his phone so he must be playing a game.

"What was close?" North grumbles. Gabriel looks up with a straight face and drops his hand from his chest.

"I almost gave a fuck." He says seriously. I gape at him while everybody laughs. I start giggling and it makes Gabriel smirk and wink at me.

"Har fucking har Gabe. Anyways Sang has just told me some news if you idjits would shut up." He starts smiling again and everyone shuts up.

All the boys are here to hang out because its the first time in a while that everyone has had a day off.

"What is it sweetie." I start shaking my head and look at North who just smirks down at me. I start to turn around and walk away but North catches me around my waist and pins me to his front.

"Go ahead baby."

"I have no idea what he's talking about." I say shaking my head.

"Fuck just spit it out, it cant be that bad." I lift my eyebrow. Uh uh this soooo isnt that important.

"She just admitted that she loves us. All of us." I gasp and look at North.

"Seriously. Just like that?" Really no big wind up.

"Ms. Sorenson?" I look regretfully at Mr. Blackbourne.

"Is that true." I nod my head slowly.

"Really North?" Silas laughs breaking the sudden tension in the room.


"You just blurt it out? No questions asked. No waiting." I point and squeak at Silas. I mean I never would have been able to do it anyways but....

"I dont think it matters how it came out. I think it matters if its true." Kota cuts in. I look at him and make eye contact.

"Its true. I love all of you." I swallow quickly and look at the cieling to fake some courage.

"Though I would have rather said it in a more appropriate way or somewhere else." I say sending a small, un-heated glare at North who at least has the decency to look contrite. "I know its not conventional. And it might not work but I think that if we all agreed to it then." I bite my lip and look at my boys.

They are all smiling and walking towards me with open arms. Even Mr. Blackbourne has a full blown smile.

"Actually we have all been planning how to tell you about the plan." Sean says looking at all the boys before he brings his eyes back to me.

"We were figuring out a way to tell you how all of us feel." He tells me.

"Oh for gods sake." Nathan grumbles.

"We all love you penut." I giggle at the flustered look Sean gives Nathan.

Im sorrounded by hugs and random kisses on my head or neck.

I know that the boys love me and I love them back. Its all I could ever want.


Soooo.... That was a weird way for that to come out. But this demanded to be written.

Hopefully the next update will be withing the next few days. I am so very sorry that i havent been updating as much. Life is getting in the way and what not.

Anyways im skipping a couple months for the next chapter. Nothing really extrodanary happens, and all they do is kiss. Nothing to heated. They stop there lessons for a while until next chapter.

*rubs hands together.* This will be very interesting. Mwahahahhaha

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