Chapter 1 -Evil- Part 2

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Me and Flambo went outside. It was a very sunny day. I love sunny days, I fell so much more powerful on those days.

"So Flamie, are we going to quick travel their. " He said scorching the grass

" Where's the fun adventure in that. I want to have a dangerous journey going to the fire kingdom "I said jumping in place.

" Oh yeah, Flamie, Finn said that he gave some fire sword to some spiders one day "

Wow a fire sword. why did he give it to some spider instead of me. He knows how Much I love burning stuff

" A majical Fire sword... That's awesome " I said

" Ok.. we will get it on the way there. " He said

ok I'm to excited about the sword to NOT quick travel... know what, I will quick travel.

Flambo jumped on my back exactly knowing what I was gonna do. I immediatly turned into a fire ball and traveled towards a spider web.

" Wow that was faster than normal " I said kinda confused

" You were excited. Your emotions make you stronger remember "

" Oh... yeah, they make me a little too strong " I said sadly. I can't even kiss Finn without blowing up the entire earth

I saw the 2 spiders. One of them had bandages on its butt, and the other one had bumps on his swollen face. it looks likeb they have been fighting

" Hey, I never said that you can't make the babies a bed " the male lumped butted one said

" You said that it sounds disgusting when I spin my web " the patched female one said

" Uhh... not this again " The spidee said

The female pointed all of its eyes at me.

" Honey look... Fire Food " The fenale said

" We can put thembin the furnace along with the sword "

I don't thing they were refering to me when they said food but, no spider is gonna use me for a Dam furnace.

" Hey, listen bugs, I want that fire sword. if not, ill burn your house to crispy crip crisp " I threated

" Good one Flamie " Flambo complimented

" Well in that case your not geting my sword " The male said

" Our sword " the female replied

" yeah... uhh... our sword "

" What you think the sword is all yours " said the female

They argued and argued. I tip toed pasted them and when to the giant wooded logged house. The sword was in the furnace.

" That was easier than I thought " Said Flambo

" A little too easy " I correted





awkward silence

" Wow... it is that easy " I said shocked

" Yeah.. you got your sword, lets get out of here before they notice us " Flambo said

" What are you doing with our sword " the male spider said with his face more swollen than usual

in a quick reaction I spit a fire ball in his right eye.

" Ahhawww what was that for " He said covering his right eye

" Fire Kingdom? " Flambo asked

" Totally " I responded whirling my new fire sword

I powered up my flames as Flambo jumped on my back. I fire speeded right passed them. laughing in the 68 mph wind.

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