I Want A Guy...

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Who will move my hair away from my eyes, then kiss me

Hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous

Think I'm beautiful, when I dress so trashy, it's classy

Sing to me at random times

Knows when to say the right things and at the rights times

Who will beat the crap out of someone, if they called me a b----

Who will call me 3 times a day if he went away

Who will apologizing for calling too much, and no matter how much I tell him it's okay, he still does it, and I don't get sick of it

Who will let me gossip to him and would just smile and agree with me

Who will throw stuffed animals at me when I act dumb, and then dog pile on me and kiss ,e a million times

Who will make fun of me, just to make me laugh

Who would take me to the park

Who will play tag with my on the beach

Who will tell his friends about me, and smile while he does it

Who will sit on the floor with me, and eat peanut butter sandwiches

Who will tell me his thoughts, whether it's mean or not

Who will argue about silly things with me, then laugh about it afterwards

Who will star gaze with me

Who will stay and watch romance movies, no matter how much he hates the movie

Who will let me hide my head in his chest, or neck, when we're watching a scary movie

Who won't lie to me

Who has awesome hair, and if not let me mess with it until it's perfectly messed up

And a guy who will be my best friend until the end of time.

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