Flowers - Renji x Reader (Child AU)

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A/N: So I thought of this cute thing with Renji as a child and stuff at like, age 8 ya know? Also, for the image, I could'nt find a good photo so I got this one :/


It was a sunny, cloudless afternoon in the Rukongai in Soul Society. You were walking together with Renji in a local plaza surrounded by various types of shops. You two are close friends, always being there for each other. You would always hear comments about you two being cute together, but you just ignored that.

While you two were walking around, you spotted a stray calico cat sitting on a bench, cleaning its ears. You grinned and ran over to it.

"Ooh! It's a cat!" As you got closer to it, you slowed down and stopped a few feet away from it. You held out your hand, coaxing the cat. The cat jumped down from bench and slowly approached you cautiously, then smelling your hand and fleeing under the bench, looking at you.

"Wait (Name), let me do it." Renji said as he slowly walked over and crouched down, sticking his hand out to the cat. The cat slowly came out from under the bench and sniffed his hand. The cat went and rubbed its head against Renji's hand and purred.

"Wahh!~ Renji it likes you!" You exclaimed, your eyes literally sparkling. You've always liked animals, especially cats. You've always wanted one, but you're parents wouldn't let you have one, saying that it was "too much work". You went and crouched next to him, looking at the cat. Renji looked at you and saw your smiling face, and turned back at the cat, having a tint of red on his cheeks.

He petted it, until scrap of food on the ground caught its attention and it ran out of Renji's hands, heading towards the food.

"Aww it ran away..." You said, a little disappointed that you couldn't watch the calico cat close-up anymore. You watched it as it ran to the scrap of food.

"Anyways, let's go (Name), it's getting late." (A/N: Idk, time passes faster in there?) Renji said, standing up and holding his hand out for you. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up and you brushed your dirty yukata. You and Renji both walked home, as the afternoon sun was slowly setting.


As both of you were walking home, you passed a couple with a man giving flowers to a woman.

"I wished I could be her..." You sighed, wishing of receiving a bouquet from your future lover. Renji saw your dreaming expression and looked at the couple, now hugging.

He was determined to win your heart, ever since he met you. You were oblivious to his feelings, and he was trying hard for you to notice him. He tried many times, but you just smiled or laughed, and continued on. And he was sure that this time he could have you notice his feelings for you. An idea popped up into his mind when you were watching the couple. He nudged you.

"C'mon (Name), let's go home now."

You nodded your head as you walked with him home.


Today is your birthday. It is (Birth date). You had a little get together with your friends and you guys hung out together. Today, you were turning 8. You had a fun time being with your friends, but you didn't see a trace of Renji. You were sure he would give you a gift or at least say something like, 'Happy birthday (Name)!'.

You huffed as you looked around, no spiky red hair in sight. It was evening and you were so worried about Renji that you decided to leave your friends and look for him. You went to your house and found a little folded piece of paper on the table. You unfolded it and read:

Dear (Name),

Happy birthday!

I know I didn't personally visit you today, but remember the giant sakura in the middle of the giant grove? Well, just meet me there.

From, Renji

It was somewhat difficult to read his messy handwriting, but you could still make out the words in the letter. You remembered when you, Renji and some other friends discovered an old sakura tree in a hidden grove. You had a clear, vivid memory of it.

You ran through the forest, to the grove, and when you saw the curtain of vines at a distance, you slowed down to a walk.

When you arrived at the entrance to the grove, you passed through the vines, brushing them aside, you walked into the hidden area.

The sun was slowly descending, tainting everything with an indigo hue. When you walked in, you looked around as you remembered the high rock walls, surrounding the grove. There was no ceiling, revealing a semi-dark sky. There were vines crawling along the uneven wall, with exotic fauna scattering across the ground with delicate, bright green blades of grass.

In the center, a tall, old sakura tree stood proudly in the center, with a trail leading to it from the entrance.

Right underneath the tree, you could see a certain red-haired pineapple. As your face lit up, you ran to him. You stopped infront of him and asked,

"What is it Renji?" You had a curious expression on your face, taking note that he was red and nervous, and also had something behind his back. You couldn't see what was behind him, but you were sure that it was for you.

He looked to the side, with his face blushing madly. He took out the item behind his back, handing it to you.

"H-h-here, this is f-for you." He murmured, trying to avoid eye contact with you. He held a bouquet of red roses, baby's breath, orchids, chrysanthemums, and carnations.

Your confused expression quickly turned into a smile, with you taking the bouquet and taking him into a tight hug.

"Thank you!" You said, extremely happy that he did this for you.

"Y-yeah... you're welcome." He stuttered, awkwardly hugging you back with a steaming face.

"Now, let's go back home shall we?" Your face had a tiny dust of pink on your cheeks. Renji nodded as he walked to the opening with you. He thought that he failed to win your heart, but he could always try next time.


What he didn't know was that he had already stolen your heart from the beginning.


A/n: This was really cute and stuff. So, I need the time to gather 'inspiration' to keep on writing so it takes a really long time for me to write a chapter or whatever

Thanks for reading!

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