Chapter 9

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I sat on the couch cuddling with my long pillow and a book along with a full bowl of chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate milk just chilling. When I heard a knock at the door so it took me a while but I finally got to the door. I open the door only to close the door right back in the person's face. I locked the door only opening it up a little.

"What do you want?' I asked crossing my arms over my huge chest.

" I can't see my baby mama and the baby?' Duncan asked I know he's smiling.

"No matter of a fact how do you know where I live?' I asked.

" I followed you". Duncan smirked and then he broke the lock off the door and came in anyways.

"Duncan you broke the fucking door you asshole get out". I shouted.

" You talk way too much".Duncan said grabbing my upper arm.

"Let go of me I'm serious get out of my house before Zayn comes home and kicks your ass". I hissed hitting his arm over and over.

" We're going for a ride baby lets go". Duncan smiled pulling me out of the house but all I did was scream and tried to call for help.

Duncan dragged me into his car tied my hands together and tape my mouth shut. This made me of course cry super hard my whole body is shaking. Duncan slam the brakes making me hit my head on the dashboard and I fainted.

Max Point of View

"She haven't answered the phone all day what the hell is going on?' Perrie asked then her phone rang " Hello... Wait? what happened?... Oh my god are you sure?....... Okay thank you I'm on my way". She said then hang up.

"What's go on?' Harry asked.

"My neighbor saying she heard screaming and now Skylar missing". Perrie cried getting her keys and ran out the house.

We followed behind her and we headed towards the apartment which is only three minutes away. Once we got there already cops and news reports which means we all going on the news tonight. Perrie ran out the car and tried to get pass the cop but they held her back but she just push them away and ran inside the house.

" Excuse me what's happening?' I asked a cop.

"There was a report of domestic violence in the house". The cop said.

We heard screaming and push our way through as well going inside the house. There was Perrie is on the floor holding Skylar's necklace. She never take it off. I looked at the wall right across the room and seen a huge hole. Meaning someone had to kick a hole.

"She put up a fight ". I mumbled.

"Do any of you know who could of possibly taken her?' The cop asked.

"I don't know everyone she hangs out with is right here''. Perrie sighed walking back and forth "Please you have to find her my sister is 16 years old and 7 months pregnant ". Perrie cried.

"Ma'am she probably ran away with the baby father'. A female cop said.

"The father is a rapist who rape her along with his friends so don't you dare tell me that she ran away I know my sister and she is afraid of him we had to get her number change because of this asshole so expect for telling lies on my sister how about you go out there and find my fucking baby sister and my niece before she's born before they die or else I will and you don't want that". Zayn snapped as angry tears ran down his face.

Back to Skylar

I groan rubbing my head sitting up in bed and then I realize that I have handcuffs on my hands and legs. That was not a nightmare this crazy boy actually take me from my family. The door open and Duncan came walking in yelling on the phone. So I pretend to be asleep because I don't want to talk to him.

"Just make sure no one comes in and out that place". Duncan shouted and then hung out "Babe wake up". He whispered about to touch my stomach but I moved away from him.

"Your sick you know that?' I asked.

"Get use to it darling this is your life for now on". Duncan hissed grabbing my ankle.

"Please let me go I need to be near someone who can take care of me". I begged.

"Babe don't worry I can take care of you". Duncan said touching my stomach.

Tears sled down my face as I watch him run his hand down my stomach. I moved around so he'll stop and eventually he did. Duncan soon left out the room but promise to be back and I was hopping he doesn't. I tried to tag hard on the cuff but they wouldn't break so I tried two more times. Finally the last tag it broke and I moved on to the other cuff. I got both my hands free so now I can work on my feet but before I can Duncan came back.

"Babe take these". Duncan said handing me over pills.

"I don't want to". I said looking at them.

"I didn't ask you I'm telling you take the damn pills or else I'll stuff them down your throat by force". Duncan hissed shoving towards my face.

"No". I shouted turning my head away.

Duncan became fed up and shoved the pills into my mouth and force water down my throat as well. Duncan started mumbling to go to sleep so I started closing my eyes. I listened to Duncan leave again. When I heard the door close again I reopen my eyes and spit out the pills.

"Stupid son of a bitch". I hissed working on my foot next " Don't worry baby girl mommy going to get away from this strange man". I whispered placing my hand on my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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