Waiting for love

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A/N some of you might not like reading the last part of this chapter. So maybe when you get to that part you might wanna skip it:)

It has been three months since we moved and I'm amazed about how well it's working out. Caitlin and I have settled in to school perfectly - we both have found friends and don't need each other all the time. Caitlin is always surrounded by her friends who are nice, loyal, hardworking but not what you would call popular. My friends are the hot, gossipy, popular guys. I started off only knowing kids in my year and a few in Lia and Abi's but now I know students in the older years. Not just any students but the popular gangs. I know that some of them only like me because I'm rich and famous. However some of them are utterly amazing. And it's only been getting better. Boys have been askig me out and hanging out with me. Gorgeous boys might I add. Anyway I'm really happy here..

I look at myself in my full length mirror in my room and smile. My text alert goes off on my phone and I look at it - ask - pap of your ootd?;) - I quickly snap a picture of my outfit: jean jacket from American Eagle Outfitters, cute strappy top from Forever 21, black highwaisted jeans from ... Primark (okay I know it's a cheap brand but tbh I love those jeans they're super comfortable), the Adidas Original Superstars and under that Calvin Klein underwear. I have put on a burberry scarf on aswell, you never know it might be cold. My hair is done up in that cute tumblr Zoella way with half my hair loose and the other half sitting on top in a small bun. My makeup is simple: concealer, some eyeshadow (I use the Urban Decay Naked palette), mascara and a basic nude lipstick from Mac. I spray myself in perfume (chance by chanel), grab my Eastpak, I decided that I would dress stylish but keep a backpack because I didn't really want to use a handbag, and head downstairs. Caitlin's waiting for me by the dor holding a mandarin, a peanut butter jelly sandwich and a bottle of mango juice. I try to eat healthy but often fail so I include fruit into my otherwise would be unhealthy breakfast. I thank Caitlin and she smiles at me. We grab our keys and with a goodbye to our mother we walk down the street to our bus stop. Mum had offered to drive us at the beginning of the year but we said we preferred to take the bus. That way she wouldn't be attacked by the Paparazzi. Our conversations are weird and todays conversation consists of Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber's relationship, Nathalie Paris's nose job and why I shouldn't eat peanut butter jelly sandwiches. We get on the bus and I sit down next to Kourtney and greet El, Annika and Marie. Caitlin sits with Marie, she always liked Marie best. After a hug from Kourtney and Annika a smile from El and a hello from Marie, the girls continue their conversation about Shawn Mendes's cute butt. When we get to school I walk to my locker and quickly get my books. Ict, Math, English, German, Lunch (whoohoo), Religion and double Biology. Yay I will officially die. As I walk to the Cafeteria, I'm joined by my bestie Kirsty Samuels. Blond hair, grey eyes and a couple of centimeters shorter than me, she's a real gossip and as popular as me.

"I broke up with Victor last night" she states before pulling me into a hug.
"What happened?" I ask her.
"Well you know how I told you that I didn't want to make out with his scrawny ass?" she asks. I laugh and nod. "Well he asked me what was up cos I was kinda ignoring him and then I told him that we would talk about it on Tuesday but then he got pissed and told me that if something was going on I should just tell him straight away so I called him and I was like I can't do this I'm sorry it's over. And he kinda started raging and shit so I was like goodbye asshole and I hung up." Kirsty gives me a sly smile telling me there's more.
"I know you haven't finished tell me the rest" I start grinning.
"Bitch all in good time" she laughs as she gets a nestea from the vending machine. "Okay I still like Alex" Alex was her boyfriend and she broke up with him, except repeat that story twice more and you'll have the full story.
"If you want Alex you've got to show him that you care and you're not going to break up with after a week" I sigh.
"I know I know but..." she stops in full speech and looks over my shoulder. Johan is walking past and he smiles at me. I gather up my confidence and "hey". He walks over to Mark a guy in his class. Jake is a year above me and is the hottest guy around except for maybe some guys in the year above him. My text alert goes off and I pull out my phone: messenger - cute outfit, wish I could do the same with my hair:))) - Sandro. I smile and turn around. He's standing behind me grinning like an idiot. Sandro is probably my closest guy friend and is really nice and supportive. He pulls me into a close hug and kisses my cheek before winking at me.
"See you later cutie" he smiles. I giggle and pat his cheek. He waves at Kirsty and walks away.
"Shame he's gay" Kirsty mutters. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Sandro's gay. Thats probably one of the reasons I trust him so much. Kirsty starts saying something but first bell rings and she has Geography where as I have Ict. We're in seperate classes even though we're both English section.
"See you boo" she pecks my cheek and flaunters off down the hallway to her class. I go to my class and sit next to Cam, a sassy pretty brunette/blonde who is a good friend and really funny. My text alert goes off: messenger - Town later? - Merel. I text back yes and put my phone away. I turn to Ciara and we start talking about the Christmas disco. I went to the Halloween disco and I regret having worn a dress because when we went outside it was freezing. Cam and I discuss what we will wear until a loud cough interuppts us.
"Don't let me bother you girls, I'm sure my lesson isn't as important as your little chat. Perhaps some tea and biscuits?" Our Ict teacher directs, his funny french accent making it rather impossible not to laugh. And the fact that he is standing infront of us, his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised isn't helping
"Actually Monsieur Louis, j'aime bien les biscuit par contre je préfère du café. A latte machiato please... uh si vous plais" Cam batters her eyelashes flatteringly.
"Anymore irony and you'll find yourself in detention" Mr. Louis answers. Cam rolls her eyes as our funny little french teacher goes to the front of the classroom. God this was going to be a long day.

I have lunch with three french girls in the year above me, Emi, Alessia and Zoe. We're talking as suddenly Victor, Kirsty's ex, comes up to our table:
"je peux m'assoire ici?" he asks sadly. Victor is kinda cute and had a cursh on me before but I turned him down when he asked me out.
"ouais bien sûre" Emi answers smiling. She obviously hasn't heard thr mews about Kirsty and him. Victor gives me a weak smile. I narrow my eyes and show no signs of kindness. He lowers his look before asking me:
"Pourquoi Kirsty a cassée avec moi?"
"J'en sais rien" I start to feel guilty about not telling him everything.
"Kirsty a cassée?" Zoe asks.
"Oui hier soir" Victor answers lifelessy. I stared down at my plate of pasta feeling really bad. After a few minutes I get up and take my bag and tray.
"Tu pars?" Emi asks.
"Oui je dois dire un truc à Sandro" I answer and then I walk out the cantine. Strictly speeking I was lying cause Sandro doesn't have lunch now. I just wanted to get away from Victor. I don't know what to do so I text Jake. I think he has lunch hour now but I'm not sure. hey do u have lunch? xx. Hopefully he does, I really wanna talk to him. My phone rings and I pull it out: Incoming call - Jake:) I accept:
"hey" I smile even though he can't see me.
"I have lunch do you wanna meet up?" he asks.
"sure behind the school, the volleyball pitch?" I suggest.
"okay see you in 5" he hangs up.
I walk outside to the volleyball pitch and wait for Jake. I pull out my phone and go onto Instagram and like Jb's recent.
"boo" whispers a voice in my ear. I jump and laugh.
"Shit you made me jump" I smile. Jake smirks at me.
"So what's going on?" he asks. We talk about having to leave our friends and hometown behind. Jake moved to Luxembourg four years ago so he understands me.
"The bell's going to ring in three minutes" he says quietly to me.
"That's a shame, I like being with you" I gush before I can actually think about what I'm saying. Jake smiles at me.
"Well so do I" he says, "tell me Maddie, did you have a boyfriend before you moved?" I blush and nod. "But you don't anymore?" I quickly shake my head. "That's good" Jake's looking straight at me. I nearly look away but I'm too scared to. Jake rests two fingers on my cheek and leans in. As our lips touch, mine part slighlty. I can feel him grinning as I kiss back. We were sitting down on a little pavement before and not leaving I get on my knees. His hands rest on my hips and tug them slightly towards him. I get on his lap, we're still kissing, and my legs wrap around his waist. He pulls me to him and our tongues start dancing. I don't want to let him go. He keeps on tugging me towards him in a kind of rythm. I straddle his waist and press my body against his. Jake pulls away and asks me:
"So are you my girlfriend?" he smiles.
"Yes yes yes" I gush. I smile and push my fingers into his waistband. He kisses me softly and starts sucking a spot on my neck. Shivers go through me and I arch my back. I press myself against him and he holds my waist as I straddle him. He touches my lips and pulls me towards him. My fingers are still in his waistband and they come to the center and unbutton his jeans. His hands slip up my top and under my bra. My fingers hesitate before slipping into his boxershorts. He's hard and I'm sure my fingers rubbing aren't going to help. He squeezes my breasts and then.... the godamned bell rings.

Hey guys,
sorry that took so long to write I just couldn't really find the time to write it so anyway yeah. also sorry for the french. I speak french nearly more than english even though my mothertongue is english. So sorry if you don't understand. Please vote and comment what you think and I'll try and write te next chapter as soon as possible.
Elli xx
I happen to be a descriptive writer so excuse my writing and the last part might not be very appropriate>.<
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- ask: @ellesbelless
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